E Duval Street Community Clean-Up

Project Coordinator NameRhakeim Miller
Project Coordinator TitleNeighborhood Advisory Committee Manager
Host OrganizationGermantown United CDC
Phone (Day)(215) 856-4303
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Project NameE Duval Street Community Clean-Up
Project Site Address:251 E Duval Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
Map It
Project Start Time09:00 AM
Project End Time11:30 AM
Project Description

The residents of the 6300 block of Ross Street, in partnership with Germantown United CDC and nearby neighbors, are hosting a community clean-up to address the pervasive trash and quality of life issue on E Duval Street. Our clean-up efforts will begin at 9:00am, and we will meet at the corner of the 6300 block of Ross Street, and E Duval Street. We hope to shine a light on this issue, and show our neighbors we support them in being stewards of our community.

Entry ID19010