2020 Coordinator Dashboard

Displaying 1 - 100 of 936

 Entry IDLink to Entry Project Name Project Description Project Date Project Start Time Project End Time
18244View Details“Behold” Sculpture

Gathering at Behold Sculpture

01/19/202010:00 AM04:00 PM
18147View DetailsYouth Leadership Summit

Modeled after Interfaith Philadelphia’s 10 years of experience leading Interfaith Alternative Break trips for college and high school students, the Youth Interfaith Leadership Summit will provide Chester County youth with the opportunity to hone their leadership skills and tackle issues of diversity. This three-day service learning program will provide high school students with the core curriculum and skills from our Walking the Walk Youth Initiative while also learning more about the religious

01/18/202010:00 AM04:00 PM
18148View DetailsYouth Leadership Summit

Modeled after Interfaith Philadelphia’s 10 years of experience leading Interfaith Alternative Break trips for college and high school students, the Youth Interfaith Leadership Summit will provide Chester County youth with the opportunity to hone their leadership skills and tackle issues of diversity. This three-day service learning program will provide high school students with the core curriculum and skills from our Walking the Walk Youth Initiative while also learning more about the religious

01/19/202010:00 AM04:00 PM
18149View DetailsYouth Leadership Summit

Modeled after Interfaith Philadelphia’s 10 years of experience leading Interfaith Alternative Break trips for college and high school students, the Youth Interfaith Leadership Summit will provide Chester County youth with the opportunity to hone their leadership skills and tackle issues of diversity. This three-day service learning program will provide high school students with the core curriculum and skills from our Walking the Walk Youth Initiative while also learning more about the religious

01/20/202010:00 AM04:00 PM
17508View DetailsYour AOK Community Clean up

Your AOK will host a community cleanup at Mcveigh Rec center. We will be painting, rearranging and decorating room, sweeping and mopping! Then we will have a beautiful lunch provided by Your AOK Foundation!

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
17509View DetailsYour AOK Community Clean up

we will have a beautiful lunch provided by Your AOK Foundation!

01/20/202012:00 PM01:00 PM
18256View DetailsYMCA of Greater Brandywine

Volunteers will be helping center staff with lunch prep/service for the members.

01/20/202010:00 AM01:00 PM
18257View DetailsYMCA of Greater Brandywine

Community Game and activity day

01/20/202010:00 AM01:00 PM
16910View DetailsYMCA and Fleece For Keeps Collaboration

We will be making fleece blankets for children in the foster care system.
We will also be collecting new books.

01/20/202010:30 AM02:30 PM
17330View DetailsYeadon Public Library

The youth will later clean the library and paint a mural on the wall in the teen section of the library. Also The 2019/2020 Girls Who Code in conjunction with Sisters R Us Survivors Of Delaware County will prepare care packages for Breast Cancer Survivors.

01/20/202010:00 AM04:00 PM
17612View DetailsYeadon Public Library

The youth will later clean the library and paint a mural on the wall in the teen section of the library.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
17613View DetailsYeadon Public Library

Children will serve breakfast to invited elderly guest of the community.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
19371View DetailsY-Achievers

Y-Achievers is asking for the Active Older Seniors to come out for a day of games, crafts and light lunch in an effort to bridge the gap through communication and fellowship. Offering assistance using smartphones, tablets, iPads, and social media presence. Required to be a AOA YMCA member and sign up no later than Jan 15.

01/20/202012:00 PM03:00 PM
16774View DetailsWynnefield Library

Volunteers will crochet, knit and donate scarves for Operation Gratitude, and Personal, Period, Purses for local schools, libraries and recreation
In addition, we will engage in conversations regarding 'Women of Color, and their Struggle for the Right to Vote: from 1776 to the Present'.

01/18/202011:00 AM03:00 PM
16792View DetailsWynnefield Baptist Church

Participants will paint and clean the church, clean the yard and have a lesson about Dr. King for the the children.

01/20/202010:30 AM02:30 AM
16900View DetailsWyncote Elementary School Service Activity

Students, families, and staff will be collecting and organizing books, coats, and stuffed animals for children at the Stenton Family Manor homeless shelter.

01/20/202009:00 AM12:00 PM
17265View DetailsWrite for Rights at Stockton University

We will be using the Write for Rights campaign to write letters of support to individuals who are imprisoned for speaking up against injustices around the world. We also send letters to governments calling for the release of these said individuals.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
17531View DetailsWork Day and Clean-Up at the Cemetery

Weed and overgrowth clean-up at a historical cemetery. Wear work gloves and sturdy shoes.

01/20/202009:30 AM12:00 PM
16724View DetailsWon Community Service Center Martin Luther King Day of Service 2020

Volunteers will work on environmental stewardship and beautification of a community service center, house of worship, surrounding areas including neighborhood sidewalks, and public area of playground and center square. If there is inclement weather, activities will be indoors. Upon arrival: all volunteers under 18 must provide parent or guardian consent form or sign one at site. WCSC's event will conclude after a provided lunch at 12:00 pm.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:30 PM
17437View DetailsWissahickon Boys and Girls Club

Volunteers will check in at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, attend a brief service, and then go to the project site to clean, organize, and possible paint program spaces.

01/20/202008:30 AM12:00 PM
17408View DetailsWinter Essential Kits

Volunteers will check in at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, attend a brief service, and then go to the project site to prepare and deliver winter essential kits for local seniors.

01/20/202008:30 AM12:00 PM
18766View DetailsWinter Back to School Supplies Drive

All donations of school supplies will be greatly appreciated. If you have or know of a child in need of school supplies please come out to this wintery back to school drive!

01/20/202011:00 AM02:00 PM
17001View DetailsWilliam C Longstreth Elementary School / Clean Laundry & Learn Paints Bright Futures;

The Clean Laundry Learn Paint Bright Futures Project invites Judges, Attorneys and Court Employees partner with Philadelphia Mural Arts and the Mayors Re-Entry Program to paint and beautify the environment of underprivileged students. Volunteers will be painting and collecting laundry detergent, toiletries and personal items to support the schools New Laundry Program.

01/20/202007:00 AM04:00 PM
17002View DetailsWilliam C Longstreth Elementary School / Clean Laundry & Learn Paints Bright Futures;

The Clean Laundry Learn & Paint Bright Futures Project invites Judges, Attorneys and Court Employees to partner with Philadelphia Mural Arts and the Mayors Re-Entry Program to paint and beautify the environment of underprivileged students. Volunteers will be painting and collecting laundry detergent, toiletries and other personal items to support the schools New Laundry Program.

01/20/202007:00 AM04:00 PM
17000View DetailsWilliam C Longstreth Elementary School

Judges, Attorneys and Court Employees partner with the Mural Arts and the Mayors Re-Entry Program to paint and beautify the environment of underprivileged students.

01/20/202007:00 AM04:00 PM
19585View DetailsWHYY Special Report: Dr. Ruth Patrick

WHYY Special Report: Dr. Ruth Patrick
11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m.

Enjoy an engaging film about the world-renowned scientist, Dr. Ruth Patrick. She pioneered the study of freshwater ecosystems right here at the Academy and lived to be 105 years old.

01/20/202011:00 AM03:00 AM
16875View DetailsWest Mill Creek Advisory Council Clean up day

Outside cleaning, March to MLK STATUE

01/20/202009:00 AM02:30 PM
16876View DetailsWest Mill Creek Advisory Council Clean up day

Outside cleaning, March to MLK STATUE

01/20/202009:00 AM02:30 PM
19343View DetailsWellness Initiative for Senior Education

“Wellness Initiative for Senior Education,” 11:30 a.m. Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and Feb. 7. The six-week, evidence-based substance abuse prevention and wellness program will cover topics from stress management and healthy living to medication management and prescription drug abuse. Free lunch will be provided. Registrants agree to attend all six sessions.

01/03/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
17436View DetailsWayne and Johnson Cleanup

Volunteers will check in at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, attend a brief service, and then go to the project site to pick up trash and debris.

01/20/202008:30 AM12:00 PM
16712View DetailsWater's Works

Older children and adults will works on packing bags for children in foster care and a woman's shelter. There will be movies for younger kids to be entertained.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
18883View DetailsWaring's Library Project

The goal is to organize, sort and label books for our Spring 2020 opening of our library that serves K-8 families.

01/20/202009:00 AM03:00 PM
19366View DetailsWarehouse Tasks

Food packaging, painting, cleaning, data entry, hauling wood and metal.

Volunteers will be placed with their assignment the day of.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
19368View DetailsWarehouse Tasks

Food packaging, painting, cleaning, data entry, hauling wood and metal.

Volunteers will be placed with their assignment the day of.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
19369View DetailsWarehouse Tasks

Food packaging, painting, cleaning, data entry, hauling wood and metal.

Volunteers will be placed with their assignment the day of.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
19370View DetailsWarehouse Tasks

Food packaging, painting, cleaning, data entry, hauling wood and metal.

Volunteers will be placed with their assignment the day of.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
18386View DetailsVoting Day Signage Creation

OEC's MLK Day provides a unique opportunity for the school and community to come together to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through community service and volunteerism. We welcome community members, partners, as well as OEC students, families, and staff to complete projects that positively impact both OEC and the surrounding community. The day will start with an opening ceremony at 9:00am, three hours of service projects, lunch (provided), and a brief closing ceremony.

01/20/202009:00 AM02:00 PM
19463View DetailsVoter Empowerment

Voter Empowerment - includes voter registration, information, and related activities

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
19464View DetailsVoter Empowerment

Voter Empowerment - includes voter registration, information, and related activities

01/20/202011:00 AM02:00 PM
19465View DetailsVoter Empowerment

Voter Empowerment - includes voter registration, information, and related activities

01/20/202011:00 AM01:00 PM
19466View DetailsVoter Empowerment

Voter Empowerment - includes voter registration, information, and related activities

01/20/202011:00 AM02:00 PM
16938View DetailsVITA Volunteer Tax Preparer

Volunteers who attend our VITA Tax Preparer training will become IRS certified to prepare taxes for low-income families at one of our tax sites throughout Philadelphia. We offer both a Basic and Advanced training. Once certified, attendees are required to serve at least 24 hours during the tax season (Jan 21 - April 15). Knowing how to prepare taxes is a lifelong skill that will not only enhance your resume, but your volunteerism will have a positive impact on the communities we serve.

01/20/202008:30 AM05:00 PM
17157View DetailsVeterans Multi-service Center Thrift Store

The volunteers would be spread throughout the store assigned different duties to help enliven the atmosphere of the thrift store.

01/20/202008:30 AM04:00 PM
18042View DetailsValley Forge National Historical Park

Free national park service entrance

01/20/202009:00 AM05:00 PM
18773View DetailsValentines Goodie Bags

Creating valentines goodie bags to distribute to the elderly on valentines days, kids will be attending

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
18041View DetailsUpper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

Free national park service entrance

01/20/202009:00 AM05:00 PM
17246View DetailsUnited Friends School

A scheduled program that involves food making, card making, mat making, and an end of day reflection (everyone).

01/18/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
17249View DetailsUnited Friends School

We will be sending students out to various locations to do the above said projects.

01/18/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
17446View DetailsUnitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network (UUPLAN) Advocacy Project

Volunteers will check in at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, attend a brief service, then participate in letter writing regarding various issues such as gun control, immigration, and economic justice; possibly engage in voter registration activity.

01/20/202008:30 AM12:00 PM
17573View DetailsUmbria Street Steps

Trash and debris removal; weeding and pruning

01/20/202009:00 AM12:00 PM
17572View DetailsUmbria Street and Domino Lane

Trash and debris removal

01/20/202009:00 AM12:00 PM
18146View DetailsUhuru MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project

An annual project of Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles(UFC) and the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF), building economic self-reliance & carrying on the movement for African self-determination from the '60s to today!

The black community today faces homelessness, imprisonment, unemployment, poverty and early death at higher rates than in the 1960s. APEDF is struggling to end the same disparities that were fought by MLK and the Civil Rights Movement.

Make your MLK Day significant

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
19791View DetailsUganda Missions Project Kick-off

This is the kick-off to a global missions project where pillow case dresses will be sewn for young girls in Uganda. The kick-off is an event for for 100% cotton pillow cases to be donated and plans to be made for making the dresses.

01/20/202008:00 AM02:00 PM
17275View DetailsTwo of a Kind

Visitors can sing along with “Two of a Kind,” an award-winning, nationally touring, husband-wife duo, during an interactive musical program. Focusing on themes related to Dr. King, the performance will encourage audience participation through songs, sign language, movement, and stories.

01/20/202011:00 AM11:30 AM
17277View DetailsTwo of a Kind

Visitors can sing along with “Two of a Kind,” an award-winning, nationally touring, husband-wife duo, during an interactive musical program. Focusing on themes related to Dr. King, the performance will encourage audience participation through songs, sign language, movement, and stories.

01/20/202001:00 PM01:30 PM
17077View DetailsTuckerton Seaport & Baymen's Museum Clean-Up

To do general clean up and organization on the Tuckerton Seaport & Baymen's Museum site. There are almost 2 dozen buildings and 40 acres on the site as part of the museum that needs general maintenance and object organization. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the commitment of volunteers to serve the community to the best of the organization's ability. We are also committed to stewardship of the environment and on-site maintenance and clean up can have a significant positive impact.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
16939View DetailsTroop9873 Cohox Cleanup

Girl Scout Troop 9873 wants to make Cohox a better place! All year they have been meeting at the recreation center and now they want to give back. Cleaning, painting and decluttering all indoor spaces. This will give the center a fresh start on a new year of serving the Port Richmond community.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
18144View DetailsTrail Walk

Trail Work on Cherry Hill Township's 11 trails will take place on this day to honor the work of Dr. King. Meet us at the big red barn at Croft Farm, 100 Bortons Mill Road at 9 am. We will be breaking into groups to work on trail maintenance, trash pick-up, and other work to maintain our open space and trails within the township. Gloves and tools will be provided.

01/18/202009:00 AM12:00 PM
17066View DetailsToiletry Giveaway for mens & womens Shelters/Community

church donations - youth ministry - Toiletry giveaway to neighborhood and neighborhood shelters

01/20/202008:00 AM05:00 PM
16803View DetailsToiletry Bags

Collect donations and give to Fran Wasserman

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
17130View DetailsToiletry Bag Creations + Care Packages for the Homeless

OEC's MLK Day provides a unique opportunity for the school and community to come together to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through community service and volunteerism. We welcome community members, partners, as well as OEC students, families, and staff to complete projects that positively impact both OEC and the surrounding community. The day will start with an opening ceremony at 9:00am, three hours of service projects, lunch (provided), and a brief closing ceremony.

01/20/202009:00 AM02:00 PM
19450View DetailsThorncroft Equestrian Center

therapeutic horse back riding center

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
17642View DetailsThomas Paine Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Our Congregation is organizing a family-friendly Day of Service with an emphasis on service projects that will be easy for children to complete. We will open our day with a brief program of inspiration and song to set the tone for the day. Then registered participants can rotate through our service project stations, completing projects that will result in donations for individuals and organizations in need throughout the local community.

01/20/202009:00 AM01:00 PM
18048View DetailsThomas Edison National Historical Park

Free national park service entrance

01/20/202009:00 AM05:00 PM
17106View DetailsThe Welcome Church hygiene kit assembly

Paul's Run staff, residents, and community partners will be assembling hygiene kits for The Welcome Church, which is comprised largely of members who are homeless in Phildadelphia.

01/20/202010:00 AM02:00 PM
18114View DetailsThe Sussex Bird Club

The Sussex Bird Club will present a program on Purple Martins at 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 12, at the Lewes library. Joel Martin, a member of the Purple Martin Conservation Association, has been tending to Purple Martin colonies for more than 25 years; he will talk about his experiences with these remarkable birds. Purple Martins are North America’s largest swallow. In their eastern range, they rely exclusively on human-made nesting boxes. These gourd-shaped hanging structures are a familiar sight in

01/12/202002:00 PM04:00 PM
17096View DetailsThe Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education

Community members as well as students and families from the Schuylkill Center's Nature Preschool Program past and present will be helping out.
We'll work on improving the health of the forest, field and meadows on this 340 acre site. There will be child centered as well as adult service projects available.

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
19346View DetailsThe Light of Hope (La Ilum D’Elna)

“The Light of Hope (La Ilum D’Elna),” 2 p.m. Jan. 27. The film will be screened in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is based on the true story of Elisabeth Eidenbenz and her female co-workers, who saved the lives of almost 600 infants in World War II. Courtesy of the Library’s Kanopy digital service.

01/27/202002:00 PM04:00 PM
17108View DetailsThe College Admissions Process & College Fair

College admissions and financial aid topics will include: what to consider when picking a college; managing application deadlines; how to apply for financial aid; what you should include in your essay; and more. There will also be a college fair.

01/20/202012:30 PM03:30 PM
19432View DetailsThe Arc of Chester County

Provide services to empower individuals with disabilities and their families to enhance the quality of their lives

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM

The Alliance of Black Social Workers distribute coats to children and adults for MLK Day of Service project. Coats are free and are distributed to the community (both children & adults), in the past several years our organization has also distributed accessories such as hats, gloves scarves to the community. The West Chester Black Social Worker students hold a coat drive prior to the time of the event, and participate in distributing the coats also on the day of the event.

01/20/202008:00 AM02:00 PM
18040View DetailsThaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial

Free national park service entrance

01/20/202009:00 AM05:00 PM
18447View DetailsTesting234

dfa sfsafasd

01/20/202009:00 AM09:00 AM
17685View DetailsTesting Project

This is only a test

01/20/202009:00 AM10:00 AM
17770View DetailsTesting one more time

dfasf sdfasdfsd

01/20/202009:00 AM10:00 AM
17783View DetailsTest121819

f asfdsfsadfsdafsdafsadfsdf

01/20/202009:00 AM10:00 AM
17771View DetailsTest 321

d fasfs

01/20/202009:00 AM10:00 AM
17776View DetailsTest 1MT

fdafsdfsdafsd fasfsdfs

01/20/202010:00 AM10:00 AM
16815View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16816View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16817View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16818View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16819View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16820View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16821View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16822View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16823View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16824View DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Community Cleanup

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
19571View DetailsTaking Action at Home

Taking Action at Home

Work with Academy experts to find out how you can make Philadelphia a cleaner, more sustainable city. Perform experiments to learn how cities are affected by climate change and pollution, and brainstorm simple, effective ways to reduce your impact on the environment.

01/20/202010:00 AM05:00 PM
18449View DetailsTacony Creek Park, Whitaker Avenue Gateway

Give back to Tacony Creek Park this MLK Day!

Help us tidy up our beautiful park! Lunch and hot cocoa will be served. Come see our Tacony Creek Park Birds! Have you seen them yet?

Dress warmly and bring a friend! See you soon.

Contact: nagiarry@ttfwatershed.org to RSVP.

01/20/202010:00 AM12:00 PM
16811View DetailsTabling Event

Different vendors and tables with info for distribution

01/20/202009:00 AM03:00 PM
17025View DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

In addition to a "pop-up" supermarket, Tabernacle Baptist Church will work with Project Linus to make no-sew blankets for children with cancer.
We will build a park bench for the community.

01/20/202009:30 AM01:00 PM
17166View DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

make no-sew blankets for children with cancer.

01/20/202009:30 AM01:00 PM
17167View DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

We will build a park bench for the community.

01/20/202009:30 AM01:00 PM
17168View DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

Youths will create handmade cards for senior assisted living facilities.

01/20/202009:30 AM01:00 PM
17169View DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

Volunteers are need to work with Lott Carey organizers and representatives from various sororities and fraternities to create care packages for those in need.

01/20/202009:30 AM01:00 PM
18801View DetailsSurvival Kits

Creating survival kits for people experiencing homelessness.
Women – tampons/pads/baby wipes/Chapstick/nail polish/lipstick/small lotion/mirror/deodorant/encouraging word/hand warmers/hand sanitizer/small soap/small rag/ toothbrush/toothpaste
Men – deodorant/band-aids/lotion/lip balm/wipes/cologne/socks/encouraging word/hand warmers/hand sanitizer/ small soap/small rag/toothbrush/toothpaste
Children- toothbrush/toothpaste/coloring book/socks/lotion/chap stick/crayons/small toy

01/20/202010:00 AM03:00 PM
18869View DetailsSupport Our Troops Donation

School Wide Event - Drop off donation from 1/8 through 1/17/2020- Mon- Fri
Holy Cross Catholic School
144 East Mount Airy Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Collecting:Toothpaste, hand sanitizes, deck of card, bar soap,foot powder,lip balm
thick socks, baby wipes,small deodorant,sunscreen,lens cleaner, batteries AA & AAA,
board games, books , puzzles.

01/07/202008:00 AM03:00 PM
18819View DetailsSupport Our Troops Care Package

School Wide Event - Care Package for our Troops
Holy Cross Catholic School
144 East Mount Airy Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Creating care packages filled with toothpaste, hand sanitizes, deck of card, bar soap,foot powder,lip balm, thick socks, baby wipes, small deodorant, sunscreen, lens cleaner, batteries AA & AAA,
board games, books, puzzles.

01/07/202008:00 AM03:00 PM
17471View DetailsSuperMarket Food Drive

This project focuses on providing food for local community institutions that feed the hungry, homeless and less fortunate. The “SuperMarket Food Drive” is conducted to stock the West Chester Food Cupboard.

01/20/202008:00 AM02:00 PM
 Entry IDLink to Entry Project Name Project Description Project Date Project Start Time Project End Time