2019 GEO Report

Displaying 51 - 100 of 1,084

 Workflow Step Final Status County Host Organization Project Coordinator Name Phone (Day) Email Project Type Description Site Address Project Date Start Time End Time #Total Volunteers #Additional Volunteers
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.52Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.One King Day, One King Book

One King One Book - 4501 Van Kirk St.

4501 Van Kirk St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19135
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.53/L.27Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

Fire prevention seminar at the Houston Community Center - 8th & Snyder Ave.

Houston Community Center - 8th & Snyder Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM9
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.61Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Distribute fire prevention materials and assist with bagging groceries - 101 E. Olney Ave.

101 E. Olney Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.13Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Donation Opportunity

Clothing drive with the Salvation Army Red Shield Residence - 715 N. Broad Street

Salvation Army Red Shield Residence - 715 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.03Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Community Discussion

We will discuss fire safety tips and topics with the community and distribute fire prevention materials.

1100 E. Moyamensing Sve.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.18Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Outdoor Cleanup

outdoor clean up - 8100 Colfax St.

8100 Colfax St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19152
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiuladelphia Fire Department - E.33Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Community Discussion

apparatus display and fire prevention material distribution

Bridesburg Recreation Center -
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19137
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM15
ChesterJennersville YMCARose Abbott(610) 869-9622Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Volunteers will sort items to fill Blessing Bags which will be distributed to displaced and homeless members of our community. There will be opportunity to write notes of encouragement for those receiving the bags. Blessing Bags are gallon bags filled with non-perishable food, snacks, water, toiletries, socks and other essentials for those who are in need. We welcome donations of items for the bags - drop off to the Jennersville YMCA.

880 West Baltimore Pike
West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:00 AM15050
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.25Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

Fire prevention material distribution - F Street and Kensington Avenue

F Street and Kensington Avenue
Philadeelphia, Pennsylvania 19139
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
BucksRiverstone ChurchJeremy McAlack(267) 337-4134Email hidden; Javascript is required.Indoor Cleanup/Painting/Etc.

Youth students from Riverstone Church will help clean and organize clothing and donations at Sunday Breakfast Thrift Store in Penndel.

71 Bellevue Ave
Penndel, Pennsylvania 19047
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01/21/201909:30 AM11:00 AM15
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.47Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

blood pressure checks - Fresh Grocer - 3021 Grays Ferry Ave.

3021 Grays Ferry Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM5
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphi Fire Department - E.56Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Indoor Cleanup/Painting/Etc.

Indoor and outdoor clean up - Recreation Center 7901 Ridgeway Street

Recreation Center 7901 Ridgeway Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM4
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - L.02Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Outdoor Cleanup

Outdoor clean up and fire prevention material distribution - Franklin Square Park - 200 N. 6th Street

Franklin Square Park - 200 N. 6th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM5
PhiladelphiaTemple University Office of Community RelationsAndrea Swan(215) 204-7409Email hidden; Javascript is required.Children & Youth

We will be assembling first aid kits which will later be donated to Duckrey Elementary School.

2010 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122
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01/21/201909:30 AM11:00 AM50
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - L.05Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

Fire prevention material distribution at various locations in the local fire district.

various locations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM5
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.05/L.06Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Community Discussion

Senior citizen fire prevention discussion - 4401 Haverford Ave.

4401 Haverford Ave.
Philadelphia`, Pennsylvania 19104
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM9
DelawareArchbishop John Carroll High SchoolJulia Young(610) 688-7610Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

We will be creating 500 breakfast bags for Aid for Friends.

211 Matsonford Road
Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:00 AM42
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire Department - E.43/L.09Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Donation Opportunity

Hygiene drive - Salvation Army "Eliza Shirley House for Women and Children

Salvation Army "Eliza Shirley House for Women and Children - 1320 Arch St, Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM9
PhiladelphiaOffice of State Senator Art HaywoodJordan Brunette(215) 242-8171Email hidden; Javascript is required.Civic Dialogue

Participants will learn the Do's and Don'ts of Citizen Advocacy in this civic dialogue facilitated by Senator Art Haywood. Community members will learn strategies they can use to influence the decisions of their legislators.

New Covenant Church of Philadelphia
7500 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119
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01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM7525
PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Fire department - E.62/L.34Curtis Graves(215) 685-8961Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

Information distribution at Shop Rite - 11000 Roosevelt Blvd.

11000 Roosevelt Blvd.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19115
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:00 AM9
BucksCrsdMichael Fiore(215) 944-1178Email hidden; Javascript is required.Donation Opportunity

The students will sort donations of food, winter clothing, hygiene kits, money, baby items and other supplies to be donated to the Bucks County Housing group, Wrightstown food cupboard, Child Home and Community assoc., Our County Code blue organization, and our County homeless shelter run by the Family service assoc. We will also be making care packages for Veterans in collaboration with the Travis Manion foundation.

2002 Rock Way
Holland, Pennsylvania 18966
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:00 AM270
PhiladelphiaBenjamin Franklin Birthday CelebrationDonald Smith(215) 815-5707Email hidden; Javascript is required.Educational Activity

Free Panel Discussion on "Criminal Justice Reform". Leading experts on national, state and local issues will give presentations on reforming the criminal justice system. The panel includes:
* Bruce Western, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
* Marie Gottschalk, Professor /of Political Science, University of PA
* John Wetzel, Secretary of PA Department of Corrections
* Tyrone Werts, Coordinator, Inside-Out Center
* Sean Kelley, Moderator, Senior VP, Eastern State Penitentiary

Franklin Hall, American Philosophical Society
427 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
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01/18/201909:00 AM11:00 AM150
OtherGrace Christian ChurchBonnie Deroski(732) 493-5033Email hidden; Javascript is required.Religious Service

Special worship service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Poetry readings, interpretive lyrical dance by Crystal Monsanto, and sermon/talk (Do, Walk, Love) by guest speaker, Craig Uplinger, referencing the MLK, Jr. sermon Rediscovering Lost Values.

That day, GraceKids will be doing a MLK themed lesson as well with children ages 4-5th Grade.

Beloved Community is a ministry of Grace Christian Church where our mission is: to be a welcoming people who provide a loving space for bringing awar

1961 Wayside Road
EATONTOWN, New Jersey 07724
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01/20/201909:30 AM11:15 AM15015
PhiladelphiaPeople's Emergency CenterYolanda Braxton(267) 334-5843Email hidden; Javascript is required.Outdoor Cleanup

Participate in the clean up along Lancaster Avenue from 38th to 44th Streets plus refreshments, live music, and spoken word performances.

40th and Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
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01/21/201908:30 AM11:30 AM250
PhiladelphiaPeople's Emergency CenterCass Green(267) 777-5893Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Celebrate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of service with your friends and neighbors at his memorial at the intersection of 40th, Lancaster, and Haverford Avenues. Enjoy refreshments, live music, and spoken word performances.

47th and Aspen Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:30 AM100
MontgomeryJarrettown United Methodist ChurchJean Graber(215) 646-4129Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

We will be assembling meal packages at the direction of Rise Against Hunger

1460 Limekiln Pike
Dresher, Pennsylvania 19025
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01/21/201909:30 AM11:30 AM100
PhiladelphiaPeople's Emergency CenterHope McDowell(215) 500-4821Email hidden; Javascript is required.Indoor Cleanup/Painting/Etc.

Indoor painting, bathroom painting, closet storage reorganization, repair, painting. May include lifting up to 30 pounds.

47th and Brown Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
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01/21/201909:00 AM11:30 AM2515
MontgomeryFriends' Central Middle SchoolCatherine Corson(610) 986-1133Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Approximately 100 middle school students and family members will make sandwiches and assemble 600 lunches to be distributed to various Bethesda Project supportive housing sites. The lunches contain a sandwich, apple and dessert. We also collect and bag donated toiletry items.

1101 City Ave.
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096
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01/21/201908:00 AM11:30 AM100
MontgomeryGladwyne Montessori SchoolLorin McGuire(214) 406-8019Email hidden; Javascript is required.Children & Youth

Our students and their families will come together in our school gym to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will also talk about foster care. Then the children will fill back backs with personal hygiene items and school supplies to donate to Wordsworth CUA Region 10 foster care services.

920 Youngsford Road
Gladwyne, Pennsylvania 19035
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01/21/201909:30 AM11:30 AM60
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and families will sing with elders at a local facility.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and families will sing make wooden bowls for a local empty bowls dinner.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

This project will be at Germantown Friends School. The aim is to have a few volunteers helping out with any supplies that need to be distributed to other MLK Day projects at Germantown Friends School.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM5
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Germantown Friends School staff members will take still photos of Germantown to help educate Germantown Friends School members about their surrounding communities.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM10
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and staff will make MLK-themed vision boards to reflect their peace-related aspirations for 2019.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Educational Activity

We will show the TED talk Women at the Negotiating Table: The Missing Piece in Peacebuilding and then have a discussion about it.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Educational Activity

We will show a documentary about Martin Luther King and then have a discussion about it.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

We will make and wrap 200 sandwiches for Holsey Temple's Feeding Ministry and Convenant House

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Civic Dialogue

This project will be at Germantown Friends School. The aim is to have Germantown Friends School members discuss gun violence in a civil way, including implications for the future and ways we can stand up and speak out for a more peaceful world.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Germantown Friends School students and families will assemble snack bags for the afterschool programs at Happy Hollow Playground.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Outdoor Cleanup

This project will happening around Germantown. The idea is that the leader of Philly One Love Guns Down, Keith Schenck, will lead MLK volunteers from Germantown Friends School in picking up litter in Germantown to make it a safer and more beautiful place.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM40
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Germantown Friends School students and families will read the book Stone Soup and then make soup for Whosoever Gospel Mission.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

This project will happening at Germantown Friends School (GFS). GFS members will be viewing the short documentary and having a discussion about it afterwards.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Germantown Friends School students and families will make soup and cornbread for Holsey Temple's feeding ministry.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Information Distribution

This project will be at Germantown Friends School. The aim is to have a few volunteers helping people register for the other projects that will be happening at Germantown Friends School during MLK Day.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM5
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Indoor Cleanup/Painting/Etc.

This project will involve Germantown Friends School members and their families making signs against gun violence.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Food Packaging or Meal Service

Germantown Friends School students and families will make fruit baskets for St Luke's Food Pantry

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Civic Dialogue

This project will involve Germantown Friends School members and their families discussing how to improve racial awareness. Ideally this dialogue will be student-led.

Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Other

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and families will sew hats, scarves and turtle furs for Soup Kitchens in Germantown and the Center for Returning Citizens.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM25
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Training/Workshop

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and families will participate in a workshop on bystander intervention.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
PhiladelphiaGermantown Friends SchoolEmma Snope(413) 658-4050Email hidden; Javascript is required.Civic Dialogue

Germantown Friends School students, faculty and families will participate in a dialogue on intersectionality.

31 W Coulter St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
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01/21/201909:45 AM11:45 AM20
 Workflow Step Final Status County Host Organization Project Coordinator Name Phone (Day) Email Project Type Description Site Address Project Date Start Time End Time #Total Volunteers #Additional Volunteers