Project SiteOverbrook Educational Center
Project Description

9-9:30 Opening Ceremony - Moment of Silence, Trumpet Celebration, Kids Share
9:30-11:00 Projects (Pack toiletry bags for homeless, write letters of thanks to veterans, paint two murals at the school highlighting our school values, beautify our annex building, and read to students and complete art projects celebrating the life of Dr. King, library beautification, math friendly environment creation)
11:00-11:45am Pizza Lunch Together
12pm-12:45pm Celebratory Concert
12:45pm - 1pm Close Out/Reflect

Project Coordinator's Phone Number(610) 731-6039
Project Coordinator's Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Start Time09:00 am
End Time01:00 pm
Volunteer Slots Available6
Number of Volunteers:6