Project Coordinator Name | Meredith Twardowski |
Project Coordinator Title | Coordinator |
Host Organization | St. Andrew's Episcopal Church |
Phone (Day) | (215) 280-4898 |
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Project Name | Outreach and Justice Information Table |
Project Site Address: | 47 W Afton Ave Yardley, Pennsylvania 19067 Map It |
Project Start Time | 11:30 AM |
Project Description | St. Andrew's Parishioners and guests will learn more about volunteer opportunities at the church. Monthly events include trips to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, making meals for home bound seniors through Aid for Friends, knitting prayer shawls, and donating to the Pendell food pantry. We will also have information about our ongoing outreach efforts for the Bucks County Housing Group and Heifer International. |
Project Date | 01/21/2019 |
Project End Time | 02:00 PM |
Entry ID | 15943 |