{Name of Project Site (if applicable):17}

Project Coordinator NameAddye Susnick
Project Coordinator TitleSite Leader
Host OrganizationRepair the World
Phone (Day)(203) 885-6149
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Project NameCalvary Center
Project Site Address:Calvary Center 801 South 48th Street
Philadelphia,, Pennsylvania 19143
Map It
Project Start Time01:00 PM
Project Description

Help Calvary Center get spruced up for 2019! As a busy community center in a historical building, all of our spaces are in constant use and could use some love. Projects will happen in a morning and an afternoon shift, and you'll be able to choose your project when you arrive. In the morning, our friends from Kol Tzedek Synagogue will lead a children's project, open to all ages. Lunch is provided!

Project Date01/21/2019
Project End Time04:00 PM
Entry ID15708