{Name of Project Site (if applicable):17}

Project Coordinator NameYoon Kim
Project Coordinator TitleProject Coordinator
Host OrganizationChildren's Museum Pittsburgh
Phone (Day)(000) 000-0000
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Project NameMartin Luther King, Jr Day Celebration
Project Site Address:10 Children's Way
Allegheny Square
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
Map It
Project Start Time10:00 AM
Project Description

Freedom Corner, the historic corner of the Centre and Crawford avenues, is a symbol of the home of the Civil Rights Movement in Pittsburgh. Create collages using images from both the Pittsburgh and national movement and write an idea that you would fight for on a picket sign and pose in front of our collage mural.

Project Date01/15/2019
Project End Time04:30 PM
Entry ID15344