Project Coordinator Name | Pamela Moore |
Project Coordinator Title | Project Coordinator |
Host Organization | Historic Fair Hill Burial Ground |
Phone (Day) | (215) 593-6795 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Project Name | Historic Fairhill Day of Service |
Project Site Address: | 2900 block of Germantown Ave AND 401 W. Lehigh Avenue (perimeter of Julia de Burgos ElementarySchool) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19133 Map It |
Project Start Time | 01:00 PM |
Project Description | At the end of the morning, around 12 Noon, volunteers will gather to read excerpts from speeches or quotes by Dr. King and share any memories or examples of his work that is meaningful to them. |
Project Date | 01/21/2019 |
Project End Time | 01:30 PM |
Entry ID | 14163 |