{Name of Project Site (if applicable):17}

Project Coordinator NameJosh Weinstein
Project Coordinator TitleMr. Josh Weinstein
Host OrganizationBeck Middle School Basketball at Lions Gate
Phone (Day)(856) 266-2100
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Project NameLions Gate
Project Site Address:1110 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
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Project Start Time10:00 AM
Project Description

The students will assist the residents at Lions Gate in several different ways including bingo and arts and crafts. The children might also help the residents get to and from the activity rooms, which may include helping them in their wheelchairs. If time permits, we will also have a question and answer period with the residents to find out what the world was like when the residents grew up. At the end of our time there, the students will read Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream" speech.

Project Date01/21/2019
Project End Time12:00 PM
Entry ID14083