2019 Community Project Dashboard

Displaying 1 - 400 of 1,082

Outcome ReportCopy Project Entry ID Host OrganizationLink to Entry Project Name Project Description Project Date Project Start Time Project End Time Status
Fill out the reportClone Project14279Community Partnership SchoolView DetailsCPS March for NonViolence

**Program will lead with the opening remarks and light refreshments. Participants will have the opportunity to create posters and banners depicting a world of nonviolence. Participants can engage in child friendly activities followed by a peace march around the immediate neighborhood and ending with lunch.

Participants will be CPS parents, students, alumni, community members, etc.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13677Holy Temple C.O.G.I.C.View DetailsHoly Temple COGIC and Callowhill Neighbors

-church members are partnering with neighbors in beautifying the neighborhood; -we encourage all ages to be involve, no you is too young or old; -continuing creating a fellowship with the neighbors; -being able to demonstrate to the children the importance of working together to achieve the goal; -being reminded and introducing what the civil rights movement is about and why it is important (senior adults share their experiences); - viewed some videos of Dr. King and held discussions; -lunch

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14248Uhuru Furniture / African People's Education and Defense FundView DetailsMLK Day Event & Volunteer Project

10am -11:30am • Watch historic films of MLK, Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements
• Presentation and videos on the work of APEDF and the movement for African self-determination today
11:30am - 2:30pm • Volunteer Project - outdoor flyering to spread the word about Uhuru Furniture and APEDF
2:30pm - 3pm • Pizza lunch for volunteers -prizes

APEDF invites people of all nationalities and walks of life who support African self-determination

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14291Uhuru Furniture / African People's Education and Defense FundView DetailsMLK Day Event

11:30am - 2:30pm • Volunteer Project - outdoor flyering to spread the word about Uhuru Furniture and APEDF

01/21/201911:30 AM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14850Pittsburgh Cultural TrustView DetailsPittsburgh Racial Justice Summit

21st Pittsburgh Racial Justice Summit, a multi-cultural initiative of the Black & White Reunion focusing on community dialogue with discussions based on race relations and connecting elected officials, community leader, and members together.

01/25/201906:30 PM07:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13973Jesus Focus MinistryView DetailsSoup Making

5 adults, 35 children will be cooking soup and packaging it!

01/21/201909:00 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14152GSEPView DetailsSaucon Valley High School

6-12 grade Girl Scouts will be creating backpacks to be delivered through Lehigh Valley hospital’s street doctors program. The bags will be given to the homeless.

01/26/201910:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14270Imani Star Development Inc.View DetailsImani Star Development

A combination of community residents and community leaders will come together to clean the facility and surrounding streets on this day.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14271Imani Star Development Inc.View DetailsImani Star Development

A combination of community residents and community leaders will come together to clean the facility and surrounding streets on this day.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13870good LUCK foundationView DetailsBoys to Men Brunch

A day for activities, food and fun with boys and their fathers.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14910Arts Council of Princeton UniversityView DetailsMLK Day

A day of multidisciplinary performances, interactive workshops, and discussions as they relate to Dr. King's life and teachings and civic engagement.

01/16/201910:00 AM08:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14276National Constitution CenterView DetailsReading of the "I Have a Dream" Speech at the National Constitution Center 12pm

A diverse ensemble of local actors will join students from local colleges to perform a passionate reading of Dr. King’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech.

01/21/201912:00 PM12:45 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14278National Constitution CenterView DetailsReading of the "I Have a Dream" Speech at the National Constitution Center 2pm

A diverse ensemble of local actors will join students from local colleges to perform a passionate reading of Dr. King’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech.

01/21/201902:00 PM02:45 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14646Parkway NorthWest High School For Peace and Social and JusticeView DetailsQuintessence Theater

a Group of students will be installing a Depression exhibition as part of an arts grant in partnership with the Theater.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14647Parkway NorthWest High School For Peace and Social and JusticeView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian

a group will be supporting "Heeding God's Call" with the creation of the Memorial to the Lost - a striking tribute to the Philadelphians lost to gun violence in 2018.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14030Hawthorne Park Elementary SchoolView DetailsHawthorne Park Elementary School MLK Day of Service

A veteran will come and speak with volunteers regarding the veterans we will be servicing. Staff and students will collect items/donations and create care packages to service homeless veterans.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15338Media-Providence Friends SchoolView DetailsMedia-Providence Friends School

Activities such as health, stewardship.

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15100Media-Providence Friends SchoolView DetailsMedia-Providence Friends School

Activities supporting education

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16252Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsAbington Friends School MLK Day of Service

Activity Kits for St. Christopher’s Children’s Hospital – Assemble craft kits for children in the hospital

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15355Pittsburgh Racial Justice SummitView DetailsPittsburgh Racial Justice Summit

After a full day of learning and work, we’ll come together to organize as a community. Join Summit attendees at the after Summit Organizing Dance Party

01/26/201906:30 PM10:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16253Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsAid for Friends

Aid for Friends Meal Project – Cook and assemble meals

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14905Buck County Community and Service OrganisationView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

All are welcome to the 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, on January 21st at Second Baptist Church of Doylestown. Join us for the opening ceremonies at 8:30am where members of our community will share reflections on Dr. King’s legacy.

01/21/201908:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15264Proud Bucks County Community and Service OrganizationsView Details2019 Bucks County Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

All are welcome to the 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, on January 21st at Second Baptist Church of Doylestown. Join us for the opening ceremonies at 8:30am where members of our community will share reflections on Dr. King’s legacy. At 9:30am we will transition to several service activities, which have been chosen based on the needs of our community, break for lunch (provided free) and complete our projects together.

01/21/201908:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14266Philadelphia Fire Department - E.37View DetailsChestnut Hill Food Drive

Along with the members of St. Paul Church, we will collect, package and distribute food to be sent to third world countries.

01/21/201911:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14459Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

American Cross Blood Drive

01/21/201901:30 PM06:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14123Caribbean Community in PhiladelphiaView DetailsNorth 5th St. Revitalization Project

An indoor intergenerational story time with international meal sharing. Breakout activities to engage senoirs and youths in discussion and art project. Community resources will be provided

Project has been cancelled, due to weather related concerns. We had 175 volunteers scheduled to be present, but many has called out due to insurance liabiltiy with icy conditions. I (Miranda Alexander) plan to be at Girard College, then go to a few neighborhood sites to take our dream flag project Tshirt

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14904University of Pennsylvania's Office of the ChaplainView Detailsinterfaith-commemoration-and-conversation-in-social-justice

An interfaith conversation about social justice, honoring the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

01/21/201906:00 PM07:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14643Volunteer Center of Burlington CountyView DetailsBurlington County Library Animal Supplies Collection

Animal Supplies Collection for Burlington County Animal Shelter:
Caring for our animals requires a lot of time, love, money, and supplies. Below is our “Wish List.” Donating the following items help us with the day-to-day care of our animals and support our operational needs. Thank You!

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15256Path to Greatness and Ethel Allen Elementary SchoolView DetailsAnti-Gun Violence Service Project Plus workshops

Anti-Gun Violence Project: creation of dream booth (3)
Vision Board Creation workshop for youth and adults
Trauma Workshop for adults
Finance Literacy workshop for youth and Real Estate workshop for adults
African American Author Reading for youth

01/21/201909:00 AM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15538Path to Greatness and Ethel Allen Elementary SchoolView DetailsAnti-Gun Violence Service Project Plus workshops

Anti-Gun Violence Project: creation of dream booth (3) Real Estate workshop for adults

01/21/201909:00 AM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15539Path to Greatness and Ethel Allen Elementary SchoolView DetailsAnti-Gun Violence Service Project Plus workshops

Anti-Gun Violence Project: creation of dream booth (3) African American Author Reading for youth

01/21/201909:00 AM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14943Phiuladelphia Fire Department - E.33View DetailsE.33 apparatus display and fire prevention material distribution - Bridesburg Recreation Center

apparatus display and fire prevention material distribution

01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13680Friends' Central Middle SchoolView DetailsFriends' Central middle school MLK service project

Approximately 100 middle school students and family members will make sandwiches and assemble 600 lunches to be distributed to various Bethesda Project supportive housing sites. The lunches contain a sandwich, apple and dessert. We also collect and bag donated toiletry items.

01/21/201908:00 AM11:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project16254Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsArboretum Project

Arboretum Project – create tree care and conservation posters for community display

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13701Arcadia UniversityView DetailsArcadia University

Arcadia University participates in the MLK Day of Service by hosting the One-Stop-Drop and Shred Event. People from the community are able to come in and donate all of the items that they have been looking to part with. We have an on-site shredder and various organizations accepting organizations accepting donations in bins and trucks. We expect a lot of donations and provide an environmentally friendly way to rid of paper waste.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:08 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14061Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf

ASL video about what MLK means with pictures and ASL, paper recycling for the full school and if time permits they will sweep the Nevil building.
(Jessica Jones)

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14178Unitarian Society of GermantownView DetailsBreakfast Bag Assembly

Assemble breakfast bags. All ages

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14682Gloucester TownshipView DetailsCamden County Animal Shelter

Assist in the care of sheltered animals

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14331Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery and Delaware CountiesView DetailsHabitat for Humanity of Montgomery and Delaware Counties

Assist with cleaning and painting

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project1459448th and Woodland PlaygroundView Details48th and Woodland Playground

Assisting in coat distribution to those in need

01/21/201908:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14249Mount Holly Township / Mount Holly Twp Public School DistrictView DetailsMount Holly Martin Luther King Day of Service

At our event, we will collect canned goods, and non-perishable food items for a local shelter and food pantry. We will also collect New / Unused toys for the local Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14068Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Multi Projects)

At PSD the King Day of Services begins with a schoolwide assembly in
honor of MLK. At the assembly each classroom project (20 +) is
recognized and an excerpt from MLK I have a Dream speech is given by a
PSD graduate. After the pep rally each classroom dispurses to their
individual projects for the rest of the school day.

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14648JFCSView DetailsACCT Philly - (Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia)

At the animal shelter, volunteers will help with cleaning, laundry, dishes, outdoor garbage pickup, and creating enrichment items for our animals within the facility.”

01/18/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14163Historic Fair Hill Burial GroundView DetailsHistoric Fairhill Day of Service

At the end of the morning, around 12 Noon, volunteers will gather to read excerpts from speeches or quotes by Dr. King and share any memories or examples of his work that is meaningful to them.

01/21/201901:00 PM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15390National Constitution CenterView DetailsDay of Service Story Corner

At the National Constitution Center’s story corner, Center staff will engage the day’s youngest visitors by reading beloved books about Martin Luther King Jr. Day, like Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan

01/21/201909:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14208Manor CollegeView DetailsBat Boxes with TTF Watershed

At this event, we will be building bat boxes and partnering with The Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed. The bat boxes will be placed on Manor College's Campus. We are inviting current students, faculty, staff, and alumni of the college to join us for this event.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14031Athletic Recreation CenterView DetailsAthletic Recreation Center

Athletic Recreation Center is a beautiful, historical center that requires a lot of support to keep it in a safe, clean, working condition. During the Day of Service, we are hoping to garner the support of every organizations to give this building a good clean up and to de-clutter from the previous year. We have neighbors who will come out to support our endeavor and also community partners such as The Brewerytown NAC and Habitat for Humanity to name a few. Lunch will be provided.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15365W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsPreparing Backpacks for Homeless Adults (SHIFT 9-10AM)

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201909:00 AM10:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project15367W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsPreparing Backpacks for Homeless Adults (SHIFT 10 AM- 12 PM)

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15368W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsPreparing Backpacks for Homeless Adults (SHIFT 12-2 PM)

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15476W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsPreparing and Distributing Backpacks for Homeless Adults (SHIFT 2-4 PM)

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201902:00 PM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15477W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsDistributing Backpacks for Homeless Adults (SHIFT 2-7 PM)

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201902:00 PM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15478W.C. Atkinson Memorial Community Service Center, Inc.View DetailsBackpack or other Donation for Homeless Adults

Backpacks will be prepared for homeless adults in our City, to include sheltered and non-sheltered persons. The contents will include washcloth, socks (at least 2 pairs), bottle of water and personal care products including hand sanitizer and bar soap container. The personal care items will be placed in plastic gallon zip bags to provide a container for later use. A resource guide will also be included. The back packs will be gender specific. Volunteers include (a.) donors (b.) assemblers (c.) d

01/21/201909:00 AM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15008Philadelphia Fire Department - E.69View DetailsE.69 - Bag groceries and distribute fire prevention materials - 2900 Island Ave

Bag groceries and distribute fire prevention materials - 2900 Island Ave

01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project14685Gloucester TownshipView DetailsCookies for a Cause

Bake chocolate chip cookies, bag them and add a special message for the Cathedral Kitchen.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16255Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBake Cookies

Bake Cookies to be decorated on Monday for Whosoever Gospel Mission

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16256Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBaking Pumpkin Bread

Baking Pumpkin Bread for Face to Face

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14451Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Omega Omega ChapterView Details2019 MLK Day of Service - Paul Robeson HS for Human Services

beautification of the school facility/grounds that the school administration feels is necessary; organizing book closet

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14008Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

Beautifying our church building and property.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15940St. Andrew's Episcopal ChurchView DetailsBaby Bundles for Bucks County Housing Group Homeless Shelter

Before Service Day we are collecting diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, baby wash, and baby lotion. On Service Day members of the St. Andrew's parish and guests will package these items into kits for parents in need. The kits are going to the Bucks County Housing Group homeless shelter.

01/21/201911:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15941St. Andrew's Episcopal ChurchView DetailsCards for St Andrew’s Episcopal Church Homebound Members and Local Seniors

Before Service Day, we will collect art supplies to make Valentine's cards. On Service Day, parishioners and guests of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will make Valentine's Cards for members of the parish who cannot make it to church anymore. These cards will be mailed to each home bound member's house. Extra Valentine's Cards will be hand delivered to a local retirement community.

01/21/201911:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14705Gloucester TownshipView DetailsGloucester Township Senior Campus Center

Bingo and Valentine’s Day Card making with the Seniors.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16278Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBlanket Making

Blanket Making at Home for Mitzvah Circle

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16258Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBlanket Making

Blanket Making for Mitzvah Circle

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16259Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBlanket Making

Blanket Making for Mitzvah Circle

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13823Germantown AcademyView DetailsNo-Sew Blankets

Blankets for residents of Ambler Senior Center.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14963Philadelphia Fire Department - E.47View DetailsE.47 - blood pressure checks - Fresh Grocer - 3021 Grays Ferry Ave.

blood pressure checks - Fresh Grocer - 3021 Grays Ferry Ave.

01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project16260Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsBook Collection

Book Collection and Sorting for Philadelphia Schools

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15858Forest Hill Elementary SchoolView DetailsForest Hill Beautification/ Clean-up

Book distribution.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM

Boys Souts of America
Girls Scouts of Eastern Pa
Elected Officals
18th Police District
Neighboring Schools
Community at large

01/26/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14032Bridle Path Elementary SchoolView DetailsBridle Path Elementary School MLK Day of Service 2018

Bridle Path Elementary School in Lansdale, PA is honored to participate again this year in the MLK Day of Service. The entire school will help fill bags with food and self care items to be donated to a local charitable organization (ie: Manna on Main, Mitzvah Circle) for distribution to those in need.
We are requesting T-shirts via the lottery system.

01/21/201908:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13810Upper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday CommmitteeView DetailsUpper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday Committee

Bring, prepare and serve brunch to residents of Bethesda Broad Street, a residence for formerly homeless men and women. Music + reading from Dr. King's book "Why We Can't Wait".

01/21/201909:30 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14081Cambodian Association of Greater PhiladelphiaView DetailsCambodian Community Revitalization: Center Touch-Up and South 7th Street Cleaning

CAGP South Center Activities
- Classroom Painting
- Front Railing Painting
- Building Garden Beds on 2nd Floor Deck (in prep for Spring)

South 7th Street Activities
- Street Sweeping along 7th Street from Oregon through Snyder Ave.
- Stretch down towards 6th and 8th if there is more time
- Stretch down to Mifflin Square Park if there is more time

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15399American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Pinn Memorial Baptist Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15400American Red CrossView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15401American Red CrossView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201901:30 PM06:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15404American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Philadelphia Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201901:30 PM06:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15406American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: St. Bartholomew Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15407American Red CrossView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15409American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Camden County Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201911:45 AM07:45 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15410American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: New Life Presbyterian Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15411American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Northeast Philadelphia Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201911:45 AM07:15 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15414American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Christ Our Life

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15418American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Willow Grove Platelet Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201911:45 AM06:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15419American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Moorestown Community House

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15420American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: West Chester Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201911:45 AM07:45 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15421American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Church of St. Bridget

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15422American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: St. Joan of Arc Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201901:00 PM06:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15424American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Twining Hall

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15425American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Hopewell United Methodist Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15426American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Central New Jersey Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201911:45 AM07:45 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15427American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Little Zion Lutheran Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 AM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15428American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Little Zion Lutheran Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 AM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15430American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: PEAC Health & Fitness

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201902:00 AM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15431American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: St. Peter's United Christian Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/28/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15432American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Olivet United Methodist Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/23/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15434American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Lourdes Medical Associates

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project15436American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: First United Methodist Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/15/201903:00 PM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15437American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: 1635 Market Street

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/16/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15438American Red CrossView DetailsOur Lady of Lourdes Hospital

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/16/201907:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15439American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/16/201909:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15440American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Temple Health Northeastern Campus

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/17/201907:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15442American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Riverton Health & Fitness Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/18/201902:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15443American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross: Walnut Hill College

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/18/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15444American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Samaritan Healthcare and Hospice

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/18/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15445American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Camden County Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/18/201907:15 AM03:15 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15446American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: Philadelphia Blood Donation Center

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/20/201907:15 AM03:15 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15447American Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive: St. John Vianney Church

Calling all blood donors – your donation is needed today to help patients in need.

01/17/201902:30 PM07:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13833Germantown AcademyView DetailsCandy Favors

Candy wrapped

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13718Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Cards for active military members.Cards for active military members.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13776Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

cards for Cards for Hospitalized kids.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14903Carnegie Museum of ArtView DetailsCivic Dialog

Carnegie International artist Tavares Strachan illuminates the museum's exterior with the names of some of history's less visible figures. Through dialogue with an expert docent, celebrate these individuals and their contributions to humanity.

01/21/201911:00 AM04:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16277Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsCasserole Making

Casserole Making at home for Face to Face

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13825Germantown AcademyView DetailsAnimal Toy Donation

Cat toys (yarn), dog toys (t-shirts), snuffle mats (fleece and rubber mats), and dog blankets (fleece)

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14357Antonia Pantoja Charter School LibraryView DetailsAntonia Pantoja Charter School Library

Cataloging books using a computers, Typing spine labels Shelving books, Applying contact paper to books, Applying dust jacket covers, Taping spines of books

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14924People's Emergency CenterView DetailsChildren's Literacy Event with PEC Neighborhood Advisory Committee-Starting at 10am (one hour delay)

Celebrate the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with your West Philadelphia friends and neighbors at the new Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center! Activities will include arts, crafts, games, and reading One Book, One Philadelphia youth companion titles Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes and Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña. READING WILL BE AT 11AM.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14919People's Emergency CenterView DetailsPop-Up Food Cupboard on Lancaster Avenue Location Changed to Blackwell Center 47th and Aspen

Celebrate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of service with your friends and neighbors at his memorial at the intersection of 40th, Lancaster, and Haverford Avenues. Enjoy refreshments, live music, and spoken word performances.

01/21/201909:00 AM11:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project15013Philadelphia Fire Department - E.59/L/18View DetailsE.59/L.18 - Celebrating the life of Dinah - 4601 N. 18th Street

Celebrating the life of Dinah - 4601 N. 18th Street

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13671Pennsylvania HopsitalView DetailsPennsylvania Hospital

Celebration of Dr. King's life and legacy. Panel discussion on 3-5 of Dr. King's quotes. Entertainments eg song, dance, instrumental and poetry performed by staff. This event is open to the public and employees of Pennsylvania Hospital and University of Pennsylvania Health System.

01/21/201901:00 PM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16257Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsChelsea Retirement Home

Chelsea Retirement Home games and activities with seniors

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13880Volunteer Center of Burlington CountyView DetailsBurlington County Library Cardmaking

Children and other volunteers can make cards for residents in Assisted Residents Programs

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14421Pinn Memorial Baptist ChurchView DetailsChildren's Project

Children and teens will participate in several arts projects including One King Day book, musical storytelling and decorating bags for personal care, literacy and keep it warm packs. Teens will also participate in a college career activity.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14835University of the SciencesView DetailsUSciences Youth Health and Science Fair

Children from the community conducted hands-on science experiments, played educational games and participated sports clinics led by student athletes at the Youth Health and Science Fair held in the Athletic/Recreation Cente

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13959Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grades 1 & K- Making cards for veterans

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13992Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.

Grade 5- Making Paraclete bracelets

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13994Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grade 3- Sorting clothing for Cradles to Crayons

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13993Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grade 4- Making paper cranes for patients at Riddle

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13995Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.Grade 2- Making treat bags for first responders

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14194University of PennsylvaniaView DetailsChildren’s Banner Painting

Children of all ages will paint commemorative banners while listening to stories and songs about Dr. King's life. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact AARC @ 215.898.0104

01/21/201910:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14343Piney Grove Baptist ChurchView DetailsPiney Grove Baptist Church


01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14367Christisn Street YMCAView DetailsChristisn Street YMCA

clean out storage area (3-4people), remove and replace cove base(2-3 people)

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14368The Arc of Chester CountyView DetailsThe Arc of Chester County

clean out storage area (3-4people), remove and replace cove base(2-3 people)

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15130St. Paul's Baptist ChurchView DetailsClean up after MLK Day of Service

Clean up after MLK Day of Service at 1:30 PM @ St. Paul’s Baptist Church.

01/21/201901:30 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14539Philadelphia Fire Department - E.58View DetailsOutdoor clean up - 800 Blk of Hendrix St (outside the Leo Mall)

Clean up all trash and debris that accumulates along the fence line of the Leo Mall.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14162Cecil B Moore Recreation CenterView DetailsCecil B. Moore Center

Clean up and mural painting project in-conjunction with All In The Family and Dobbins High School.

01/21/201910:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14871FriendsOfChewView DetailsChew Recreation Clean Up

Clean up and trash removal of playground, field and surounding area. Following a film and lunch

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14131Andrew Jackson Elementary SchoolView DetailsAndrew Jackson Elementary School

Clean up around the school . Projects in classroom requested by teachers. Our staff , volunteers in the community, and students .

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14250Max Myers PlaygroundView DetailsMax Myers Playground

Clean up of all the trash in and around the playground.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14215Wister PlaygroundView DetailsWister community day of service

Clean up of the field, playground and track. Education and resources on zero waste for home and community. Discussion on how our daily task can make our community and world a better place.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14013Montco SAAC NorristownView DetailsMaking Room for More Seniors

Cleaning and clearing out a room for future use for seniors. Possibly painting.
Staff members will be present.
We may have a few volunteers that will help from a local church.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14122The Friends of Carroll ParkView DetailsThe Friends Of Carroll Park Gives Winter Love

Cleaning and organizing the shed. Weather providing clearing the flow bed out and some final walkway clearance

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14370MLK DAY of SERVICE at TildenView DetailsMLK DAY of SERVICE at Tilden

Cleaning and painting designs on the walls and doors of the rest rooms (girls, boys and adults) along with some classrooms.

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14111Unitarian Society of GermantownView DetailsInterim House

Cleaning and sorting the basement and offices. Shampooing a small rug. Ages 18+.

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14327Georgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School of MusicView DetailsGeorgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School oF Music

Cleaning classrooms, winterizing windows and doors, organizing books, materials. Minor paint jobs.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14360St John the EvangelistView DetailsSt John the Evangelist

Cleaning of pews, windows, rugs, etc

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13681Wynnefield Baptist ChurchView DetailsWynnefield Baptist Church

Cleaning the church grounds as well as cleaning and patining kitchen, dishing area, and classrooms in the church.

01/21/201910:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15188Temple UniversityView DetailsKenderton & Temple Neighborhood Beautification

Cleaning the streets around Kenderton Elementary and Temple U. Katz Medical School

01/21/201908:30 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14212Ferko PlaygroundView DetailsFerko Playground

Cleaning up around the building and playground area so it is clean and safe for the residents of Juniata Park to use as well as the children in our after school program

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14389Perfecting Holiness Outreach Ministry (PHOM)View DetailsMantua Community Clean Up

Cleaning up debris and leaves from the streets and lots from 35th and Fairmount Avenue to 37th and Fairmount Avenue. We will be bagging and removing the trash. After clean up serving a light lunch to volunteers as a thank you.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13877Phila. Parks and RecView DetailsJohn Anderson Cultural Center

cleaning up facility general cleaning and purging of trash and also some arts and crafts that focus on MLK day will be done by the children and some adults as well

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14377Concerned Patents of BelmontView DetailsConcerned Parents of Belmont

Cleaning, book give away,

01/21/201911:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13703Bethel Deliverance North PhiladelphiaView DetailsBethel Deliverance North Philadelphia

Cleaning, vacuuming, wiping down walls, cleaning offices, sweeping the church front, fixing any broken items, cleaning rear of church, cleaning kitchen areas and other duties as needed

01/21/201909:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13998Society for Helping Church (DeafView DetailsClothe the people

Clothes and shoes for all ages, all genders will be given away. Coats, boots hats, scarfs included. Collect toiletries and hygiene products, package and give away along with the clothing give away. The drive begins December 1 for collections of items

01/21/201909:00 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16265Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsClothing Donation

Clothing Donation to Happy Kids Center – gather clothing from clothing sale remainders

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15002Philadelphia Fire Department - E.13View DetailsE.13 - Clothing drive with the Salvation Army Red Shield Residence - 715 N. Broad Street

Clothing drive with the Salvation Army Red Shield Residence - 715 N. Broad Street

01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project16264Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsClothing Sale Clean-up

Clothing Sale Clean-up on Monday

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16262Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsClothing Sale Sort

Clothing Sale Sort

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16263Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsClothing Sale

Clothing Sale to benefit Women’s Center of Montgomery County

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13770Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsCoat Drive

Coat Donation Drive. All coats will be given to One Warm Coat.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13679Alliance of Black Social WorkersView DetailsAlliance of Black Social Workers, Inco Community Coat Give-A-Way

Coats received from members and donors will be organized by male/female/adult/child and prepared for distribution to the Community starting at 11:00AM. Participants will be comprised of Alliance of Social Workers, Inc. members, family, friends, advocates and National Association of Black Social Workers student chapters from various schools such as Widener University, West Chester University.

01/21/201908:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15186First UpView DetailsBusiness Development

Collaborating with the Enterprise Center in order to bring financial awareness about investment opportunities relating to small business and investing.

01/21/201901:30 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13831Germantown AcademyView DetailsToiletry Bags

collect donations and give to Fran Wasserman.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14069GBCCCView DetailsGREEN BYRNE CHILD CARE CENTER

collect hats, gloves, and scarves for men, women, and children

01/21/201911:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14470Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting knitted caps for men & women

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14471Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting toiletries of all sizes

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14466Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting - women’s professional ware suits, skirts, pants, blouses, blazers, shoes, handbags, belts, jewelry, belts, scarves; men’s professional wares, suits, shirts, slacks, blazers, ties, belts, shoes)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14467Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting -Bingo raffle prizes like mugs, frames, figurines, stationery, coin purses, personal care items, notepads, key chains, crafts (will prepare some items)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14695Gloucester TownshipView DetailsHelping Our Neighbors

Collecting and sorting toiletries at Chews United Methodist (soap, toothpaste, chapstick, shampoo, etc.) for the Neighborhood Center in Camden.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14460Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting books for Pre-K thru 3 Children's books for Philly Reads.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14461Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting books for teen and adult novels (no texts, diet or cookbooks)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13772Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsFood/Can Drive

Collecting can goods and packing

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14469Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting Casual and sports clothing for adults & children

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14465Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting cold weather clothing for children thru adults like: coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, shoes (winter)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14462Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting crates of all sizes, dog food (all ages), puppy pads, toys, nylabones, treats, poop bags, easy walk harnesses, gift cards to Amazon, chewy.com, pet value or other pet stores & adoptions available

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14472Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting diapers, wipes, onesies, infant & children’s winter clothing

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14463Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting knitted blankets, tools, sewing and first aid kits (especially band-aids)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14468Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting new or gently used bras of all sizes and styles)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14464Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Collecting paper towels, facial tissues, snack packs (chips, pretzels, cookies)

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13722Redeemer Tabernacle Baptist Church/Kids UnitedView DetailsRedeemer Tabernacle Baptist church/Kids United

Collecting winter donations along the walk.

01/21/201908:30 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15557Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (Homeless Shelter Donation)View DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Homeless Shelter Collection)

Collection of items for homeless shelter. (Deb Levin)

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14076Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Willis Eye Hospital)

Collection of used eye glasses for recycling. This is an ongoing project. The collections will be gathered that day and brought to
the eye glasses recycling site at Wills Eye Hospital/Salus University (Sheila Earlbaum)

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15602Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Campus Cleanup)

Combined 4th grade will be going around PSD campus/sidewalk/west wing and cleaning up litter and trash. (Jaime Tecklin and Kelly Booz)

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15713Repair the WorldView DetailsBottle Brick Making at One Art Community Center

Come support One Art Community Center in making bricks out of recycled materials for their sustainable building projects! Dress warmly, we may be going inside and outside to gather and move materials around.

01/21/201912:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14036Genesis Ministries / It's not your faultView DetailsLearning Active Reading Project Title: REAP (Reading Empowers All People)

Come to join us to read to children and learn how to be an active reader to keep our children on track to read by 4th grade!

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14037Genesis Ministries / It's not your faultView DetailsLearning Active Reading Project Title: REAP (Reading Empowers All People)

Come to join us to read to children and learn how to be an active reader to keep our children on track to read by 4th grade!

01/19/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14288Genesis Ministries / It's not your faultView DetailsLearning Active Reading Project Title: REAP (Reading Empowers All People)

Come to join us to read to children and learn how to be an active reader to keep our children on track to read by 4th grade!

01/19/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14538Philadelphia Fire Department - E.19/L.08View DetailsE.19 Fire Prevention discussion and material distribution at the School of the Blind

Commuity discussion and fire prevention material distribution at the School of the Blind.

01/21/201910:11 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14145Bible Way Baptist ChurchView DetailsBible Way Baptist Church Community Award Ceremony

Community Awards Ceremony recognizing those within this community that have served to make this community and more a better place for all.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14342Saint John AME Church of WayneView DetailsSaint John AME Church of Wayne

Community Clean-up surrounding the church and Highland Avenue.

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14326St. Paul's Baptist ChurchView DetailsClothes Giveaway

Community Clothes Giveaway of new and gently used clothing, coats and shoes for women, men and children.

01/21/201908:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15000Philadelphia Fire Department - E.49View DetailsE.49 - Community discussion and fire prevention material distribution - Marconi Older Adult and Boys and Girls Club - 2433 S. 15th Street

Community discussion and fire prevention material distribution - Marconi Older Adult and Boys and Girls Club

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14897The Heritage Gospel ChoraleView DetailsLet Freedom Sing

Community event/ celebration of Martin Luther King Day, through song and preformance art

01/21/201907:00 PM09:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14947Philadelphia Fire Department - E.07/L.10/M.02/B.10View DetailsCommunity fire prevention discussion - 2789 Castor Ave. (Home Depot)

Community fire prevention discussion at 2789 Castor Ave. (Home Depot)

01/21/201911:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14619Rancocas Valley Regional High SchoolView DetailsRancocas Valley Regional High School Day of Service

Community Guest Speakers

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14956Philadelphia Fire Department - L.15View DetailsL.15 - Community health fair - 4649 Paul St.

Community health fair - company will perform Blood pressure checks and cpr training - 4649 Paul St.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14138Mt. Airy USAView DetailsLetter Writing Project in Support of Full Funding for Free Library of Philadelphia

Community members and volunteers will write letters for local city councilpersons and other politicians seeking support to fully fund the Free Library of Philadelphia. In 2018, Northwest library branches were forced to close early 86 times this year due to employee shortages--that’s the second highest rate in the city. (source, Lena Johnson, president of the Friends of David Cohen Ogontz Library; billypenn.com, Nov. 26, 2018)

01/21/201910:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14236Debrah Grand ChapterView DetailsDebrah Grand Chapter

Community Outreach

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14625Rancocas Valley Regional High SchoolView DetailsRancocas Valley Regional High School Day of Service

Community Service performed by clubs at our school (church pantry help).

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14623Rancocas Valley Regional High SchoolView DetailsRancocas Valley Regional High School Day of Service

Community Service performed by clubs at our school (food bank).

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14624Rancocas Valley Regional High SchoolView DetailsRancocas Valley Regional High School Day of Service

Community Service performed by clubs at our school (habitat for humanity).

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14622Rancocas Valley Regional High SchoolView DetailsRancocas Valley Regional High School Day of Service

Community Service performed by clubs at our school (senior home)

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13978Yeadon Public LibraryView DetailsYEADON: MLK DAY OF SERVICE

Community youth will serve breakfast to seniors of the community The President of the Black Caucus American Library Association will be in attendance.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14951Philadelphia Fire Department - E.35/L.25/M.16View DetailsE.35/L.25/M.16 - Project S.H.A.R.E. Food Program 2901 Hunting Park Ave.

Companies will bag food and pass out fire prevention materials.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14945Philadelphia Fire Department - E.55/L.22View DetailsE.55/L.22 - Outdoor clean up - 901 W. Hunting Park Ave.

Company will clean up the park and community in conjunction with the neighbors and the partnership organization.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14234Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsPeanut Butter Sandwiches (Meal Packaging Opportunity)

Completing meal packing (peanut butter sandwiches) for the homebound.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13845ElderNet of Lower Merion and NarberthView DetailsFood Drive for ElderNet's Food Pantry

Conduct a food drive to benefit ElderNet's food pantry! Volunteers will organize, publicize and conduct their own food drive in their own school, neighborhood, or faith-based organization, and deliver the items to the ElderNet food pantry at 9 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue in Bryn Mawr, PA. Items that are always in demand at the pantry include canned meats, soups, condiments, cooking oils, coffee and tea, and toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, incontinence supplies. Drop-off day flexible.

01/21/201909:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16266Abington Friends SchoolView DetailsCookie Decorating

Cookie Decorating for Whosoever Gospel Mission

01/26/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15828Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15829Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15868Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15869Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15892Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15870Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15871Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15872Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15873Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15874Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15875Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15877Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15878Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15879Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15880Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15882Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15884Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15885Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15886Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15887Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15888Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15889Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15890Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15891Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15893Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15895Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15896Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15897Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15898Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15899Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15900Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15901Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15902Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15903Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15904Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15358Cradles to CrayonsView DetailsCradles to Crayons

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther, Jr., celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

The YMCA in partnership with Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection here at the Abington Branch.

Donations collected on MLK Day will include a wide range of new and like new items for children ages newborn to 12.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13777Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Craft kits for St. Jude's Happy Cart

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14473Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Craft projects for raffle prizes for senior centers & letter writing for Veterans and IDF, Get Well cards, and Welcome cards for HIAS

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13824Germantown AcademyView DetailsCards for Veterans

Create cards for Veterans for Valentine's Day

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14680Gloucester TownshipView DetailsBlankets for the Camden County Women’s Shelter

Create fleece tie blankets for the Camden County Women’s Shelter children.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14692Gloucester TownshipView DetailsGloucester Township Scholarship Committee

Create signs for the annual 5K race.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14689Gloucester TownshipView DetailsGiggle Books

Create small booklets with playful jokes, nursery rhymes, silly faces etc. Donate them to a hospital for children.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14126One Day At A TimeView DetailsOne Day At A Time Recovery, Community Cleanup

Creating a community-based project focusing on environmental cleanup of the North Philadelphia area

01/21/201909:00 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14684Gloucester TownshipView DetailsCards for Soldiers

Creating cards to send to our brave men and women a card of hope and thanks.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13822Germantown AcademyView DetailsBooks for Community Partnership School

Creating cards, decorating bags and packing bookbags for Community Partnership School.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16383Hopewell Central High SchoolView DetailsHopewell Gives Back

Cultivating community awareness, by connecting with several non-profits in order to provide a donation drive for winter coats and fleece blankets to later be handed out to the homelss in Mercer County

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13675Friends Association for Care and Protection of ChildrenView DetailsShelter Clean-Up

Currently seeking a dedicated group of volunteers to help us overhaul our shelter with a deep clean and assist in yard work as needed!

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13829Germantown AcademyView DetailsCupcakes

Decorating cupcakes to be donated.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project16385Hopewell Valley High SchoolView DetailsSeeds to Sew

Decorating gift bags and boxes in order to help missions to help women in Kenya earn money whole providing opportunity.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14347Friends Associate for the Care and Protection of ChildrenView DetailsFriends Association for the Care and Protection of Children

Deep-cleaning of our shelter.

01/21/201908:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14182Unitarian Society of GermantownView DetailsDeliver Breakfasts, Lunches, and Snacks

Deliver bagged lunches, snacks, soup to local social service agencies.
4 licensed drivers needed with cars. Ages 18+

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14199University of PennsylvaniaView DetailsCareer Wardrobe Clothing Drive

Description: Members of the Association of Alumnae will collect professional attire that will be donated to Career Wardrobe for women/men reentering the workforce. Donations must be gently worn and clean. Preferable: Dresses, suits, pants, blazers, shirts, blouses, ties, and shoes. To register your donations for this project follow the link @ https://tinyurl.com/y8umfkvt. For more information contact: Hong-Mei Li @hongmei258@gmail.com

01/21/201909:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14701Gloucester TownshipView DetailsRelay for Life

Design cards of hope for residents of Hope Lodge. Hope Lodge is a facility that offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment may be in another city.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15831Bethel AcademyView DetailsBethel Academy Ujima Project

Dialogue groups.

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14302Simmons ElementaryView DetailsSimmons Sock Roll Project

Did you know that socks are the #1 most requested clothing item in the homeless community? A fresh pair of socks and a snack ‘rolled together’ are our small way of making a big difference in the lives of those in need. We will be packaging snacks and/or hygiene items such as toothpaste or a toothbrush. They will be finished off with a ribbon and a note of encouragement from a child to bring compassion and a bit of hope to individuals experiencing homelessness.

01/19/201908:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14754Red CrossView DetailsAmerican Red Cross - Lehigh Valley, PA

Did you know that the American Red Cross responds to a disaster every 8 minutes, and the vast majority of these are home fires? Sadly, every day seven people die from home fires, most in homes that lack working smoke alarms, with children and the elderly disproportionately killed. That’s why the Red Cross launched this campaign in 2014. Since then, volunteers and partners have made over 300,000 households safer. Now we’re on the cusp of something big, and we need your help.

01/19/201908:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13666Poquessing Middle SchoolView DetailsMLK Week of Service

Different clubs, sports teams and musical groups will be doing service projects (visiting nursing home, blankets for St. Mary's, reading to younger children) afterschool the week after MLK day.
The following groups will be participating:
Tri - M Music Honor Society
Interact Club
Student Council
Friends of Rachel
Wrestling Team
Environmental Club
Debate Team

01/21/201903:00 PM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14585Ursinus CollegeView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Discussion of mindfulness of spaces on campus as it related to, social justice and inclusion and equity. Specifically, students and staff will have the opportunity to create banners with quotes from prominent African Americans, occurring throughout the week.

01/23/201906:00 PM10:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14586Ursinus CollegeView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Discussion of mindfulness of spaces on campus as it related to, social justice and inclusion and equity. Specifically, students and staff will have the opportunity to create banners with quotes from prominent African Americans, occurring throughout the week.

01/23/201906:00 PM10:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14582Ursinus CollegeView Detailsmlk day of service

Discussion of mindfulness of spaces on campus as it related to, social justice and inclusion and equity. The Greek letter organizations will be sponsoring a film 'The Hate U Give', with a sort disscusion afterwards.

01/23/201906:00 PM10:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15009Philadelphia Fire Department - E.61View DetailsE.61 - Distribute fire prevention materials and assist with bagging groceries - 101 E. Olney Ave.

Distribute fire prevention materials and assist with bagging groceries - 101 E. Olney Ave.

01/21/201910:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13951Strawberry Mansion Faith based CoalitionView DetailsStrawberry Mansion Faith Based Coalition

Distribution of bags and clean up materials. Help with clean up

01/21/201911:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13938United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

do some packaging for material aid projects.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13780Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Dog toys, coloring books for Caitlin's Smiles/ Ronald McDonald House and Step UP training

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14587Zhang Sah Martial ArtsView DetailsPainting Extravaganza @Zhang Sah - Queen Village

Don't you just love the look of walls that have just received a fresh coat of beautiful, bold paint?!?

If your answer is yes, then we have the project for you!

The children at Zhang Sah Martial Arts Learning Center would LOVE your help with the Painting Extravaganza that we are hosting on January 21st. Our aim is to beautify the building that our non-profit occupies to make it brighter and more pleasant for the

Come prepared with a can-do attitude and wearing painter's gear -- not y

01/21/201909:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15830Bethel AcademyView DetailsBethel Academy Ujima Project

Donations of clothing and books to distribute.

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13717Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Donations of non-perishables to a local food pantry and cooking about 200 meals for those in need in community.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14183University of Pennsylvania