2019 Community Project Dashboard

Displaying 1 - 400 of 1,082

Outcome ReportCopy Project Entry ID Host OrganizationLink to Entry Project Name Project Description Project Date Project Start Time Project End Time Status
Fill out the reportClone Project15822Habitat for Humanity: Chester CountyView DetailsChester County Restore Donations

Habitat for Humanity Chester County is taking gently used home wear and furniture for donations

01/21/201908:00 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project15828Cradles to CrayonView DetailsMLK Day Collection Sites

Cradles To Crayons is dedicating the month of January to Martin Luther King, celebrating his legacy of service in the community.

In partnership with local fire stations, first responders, and community centers Cradles to Crayons will hold a collection across the Greater Philadelphia five-county region.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13652Jewish Learning VentureView DetailsWesley Enhanced Living

Families will gather to create personalized calendars and bookmarks to hand to residents of Wesley Enhanced Living.

01/21/201910:30 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13647Our Mother of Sorrows/St. IgnatiusView DetailsMLK Cleanup Day

We will partner with Universities in the area, our parents and students to keep our area clean and free of trash.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13648Please SelectView DetailsMasonic Home

The Key Club will volunteer at the Masonic Home assisting with caring for the elderly residents. We will help deliver the mail, laundry, water & ice containers. Take the residents to the lunch room or to have their hair done. Sit and talk to them or read.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13649Riverstone ChurchView DetailsSunday Breakfast Thrift Store Help

Youth students from Riverstone Church will help clean and organize clothing and donations at Sunday Breakfast Thrift Store in Penndel.

01/21/201909:30 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13654Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsCheltenham Elementary Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be assembling sock and snack rolls for local homeless shelters.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13655Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsGlenside Elementary School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be creating craft bags for children in St. Christopher's Hospital.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13656Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsMyers Elementary School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be packing donated items for homeless teens, refugees, and those in disaster areas.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13657Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsWyncote Elementary School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be collecting and organizing books, coats, and stuffed animals for children at the Stenton Family Manor homeless shelter.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13658Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsElkins Park School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be making breakfast bags for the homeless.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13659Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsCedarbrook Middle School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be making flashcards for incoming kindergarten families.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13660Cheltenham School DistrictView DetailsCheltenham High School Service Activity

Students, family members, and staff will be creating no-sew bags to hold care packages for the PA Workwear Program.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13662Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

– nonperishables: canned fruit, flour, sugar, canned beans
(kidney, black, white), boxed scalloped potatoes, rice, canned tuna or chicken,
jelly, oatmeal, cereal, canned meat soups or stews, spaghetti sauce, pasta,
cooking oil, Chef Boyardee canned products, peanut butter, & condiments (mayo,
ketchup, mustard). Needn’t be kosher but must not be expired!

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13664W.C. Longstreth Elementary SchoolView DetailsPAINTING WITH PURPOSE

PAINTING WITH A PURPOSE is a project geared to beautifying W.C. Longstreth School in order to continue our efforts to create a warm inviting environment for scholars, families, staff and community members who wish to utilize our space to give back to the community. Our scholars deserve to walk into a clean building filled with color and a story. We not only want to paint we want to tell a story. At Longstreth our scholars learn the importance of legacy. This project will allow them to leave one!

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13667William Kelley SchoolView DetailsCreating a Library

During this event...We are in the process of creating a library at William Kelley School. Volunteers are needed to sort through books, add call numbers and barcodes, and shelve books.

01/21/201909:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13671Pennsylvania HopsitalView DetailsPennsylvania Hospital

Celebration of Dr. King's life and legacy. Panel discussion on 3-5 of Dr. King's quotes. Entertainments eg song, dance, instrumental and poetry performed by staff. This event is open to the public and employees of Pennsylvania Hospital and University of Pennsylvania Health System.

01/21/201901:00 PM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13675Friends Association for Care and Protection of ChildrenView DetailsShelter Clean-Up

Currently seeking a dedicated group of volunteers to help us overhaul our shelter with a deep clean and assist in yard work as needed!

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13677Holy Temple C.O.G.I.C.View DetailsHoly Temple COGIC and Callowhill Neighbors

-church members are partnering with neighbors in beautifying the neighborhood; -we encourage all ages to be involve, no you is too young or old; -continuing creating a fellowship with the neighbors; -being able to demonstrate to the children the importance of working together to achieve the goal; -being reminded and introducing what the civil rights movement is about and why it is important (senior adults share their experiences); - viewed some videos of Dr. King and held discussions; -lunch

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13679Alliance of Black Social WorkersView DetailsAlliance of Black Social Workers, Inco Community Coat Give-A-Way

Coats received from members and donors will be organized by male/female/adult/child and prepared for distribution to the Community starting at 11:00AM. Participants will be comprised of Alliance of Social Workers, Inc. members, family, friends, advocates and National Association of Black Social Workers student chapters from various schools such as Widener University, West Chester University.

01/21/201908:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13680Friends' Central Middle SchoolView DetailsFriends' Central middle school MLK service project

Approximately 100 middle school students and family members will make sandwiches and assemble 600 lunches to be distributed to various Bethesda Project supportive housing sites. The lunches contain a sandwich, apple and dessert. We also collect and bag donated toiletry items.

01/21/201908:00 AM11:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13681Wynnefield Baptist ChurchView DetailsWynnefield Baptist Church

Cleaning the church grounds as well as cleaning and patining kitchen, dishing area, and classrooms in the church.

01/21/201910:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13683Lucien E. Blackwell Public HousingView DetailsOne on One with an Entrepreneur

Join Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center on January, 21 for a One-on-One with an Entrepreneur. Our goal that day is to encourage community members to network with businesses owners, host workshops, and creating a dialog around being a minority, but not limited to, entrepreneur. We are currently looking for businesses to participate in empowering our community members. Please contact Rose Bryant through email at rosebryant711@gmail.com if you are interested in participating as a business owner.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13684Lucien E. Blackwell Public HousingView DetailsOne on One with an Entrepreneur

Join Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center on January, 21 for a One-on-One with an Entrepreneur. Our goal that day is to encourage community members to network with businesses owners, host workshops, and creating a dialog around being a minority, but not limited to, entrepreneur. We are currently looking for businesses to participate in empowering our community members.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13685New Gethsemane Baptist ChurchView DetailsMartin Luther King Day of Service

We will provide care packages and hygiene kits to individuals in nursing homes, recovery houses, homeless teens and patients of Gift of Life.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13687Highland Regional High SchoolView DetailsHighland Feeds the Need / Highland Regional High School cafeteria

Highland students ages 14-18 will gather food resources to make approximately 250-300 perishable meals to be distributed to the greater Camden County area food-bank.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13689Solid Rock Baptist ChurchView DetailsCommunity Celebration

There will be a community celebration of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. There will be food, skits, a movie screening, and dance performances, as well as the regular church service.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13690SisterHood IncorporatedView DetailsSisterHood Annual MLK Program

Program consist of singing; MLK reflections; praise dancing, poetry and a MLK skit

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13691Art Sphere IncView DetailsArt Sphere Incorporated

From 9-noon we invite volunteers to join us at our office in the Bok Building (5th floor) to Prep Art Projects for Preschool Art Projects for our Free Art Workshops for Underserved Youth. Volunteers can learn how to make ASI crafts and cut fabric and paper projects, use a sewing machine, use glue guns google eyes and pompoms to make puppets. Volunteers are also welcomed to prep or make Valentine's Day cards which we distribute to homeless veterans and senior citizens.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13692SisterHood IncorporatedView DetailsSisterHood Annual MLK Community Spaghetti Luncheon

For the community we will be serving Spaghetti Luncheons to surrounding area individuals. This will include salad, roll and spaghetti.

01/21/201912:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13693KENGIGTON NEIGHBORS UNITED Civic AssociationView DetailsKNUCA KEYS

Students will be creating canned fruit-baskets and will be distributing baskets to families within the area.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13701Arcadia UniversityView DetailsArcadia University

Arcadia University participates in the MLK Day of Service by hosting the One-Stop-Drop and Shred Event. People from the community are able to come in and donate all of the items that they have been looking to part with. We have an on-site shredder and various organizations accepting organizations accepting donations in bins and trucks. We expect a lot of donations and provide an environmentally friendly way to rid of paper waste.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:08 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13703Bethel Deliverance North PhiladelphiaView DetailsBethel Deliverance North Philadelphia

Cleaning, vacuuming, wiping down walls, cleaning offices, sweeping the church front, fixing any broken items, cleaning rear of church, cleaning kitchen areas and other duties as needed

01/21/201909:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13706Drexel University Action for Early LearningView DetailsMLK Day Family Read-Along

Family Ambassadors conduct readings of MLK bio books to children organized by age groups.
Adults are welcome to participate. After the readings, all participants complete an MLK Day discussion sheet "I have a dream that one day..." and share each other's dreams in the group. Volunteers also will be assembling family resource bags -- filled with home goods and cleaning supplies -- to be distributed to participants and at other AFEL events. Partners include People's Emergency Center.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13710More Humble Hearts Outreach MissionView DetailsBethel Community Baptist Church

We will cooking homemade vegetables soup, pack soup cups, make sandwiches, fill toiletries bags, sort coats, prepare snack bags.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13714Mount Aloysius CollegeView DetailsCresson Day of Service

Due to weather we changed our project... we made tie blankets to give to people on campus and in the community who are going through a hard time and could use a "security blanket"

01/21/201903:00 PM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13716Canaan Baptist ChurchView DetailsCanaan Baptist Church

Members of the church and neighbors from the community will join together to clean up the church's facilities. This may include dusting, mopping, sweeping, cleaning out closets and rooms, thoroughly clean kitchens and bathrooms. May include some painting.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13717Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Donations of non-perishables to a local food pantry and cooking about 200 meals for those in need in community.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13718Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Cards for active military members.Cards for active military members.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13719Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Volunteers will make crafts to give to senior citizens.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13720Har Zion Sisterhood (in Penn Valley)View DetailsHar Zion Temple

Will be sending donate knitted blankets and items of need to individuals and families.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13721Redeemer Tabernacle Baptist Church/Kids UnitedView DetailsRedeemer Tabernacle Baptist church/Kids United

We are a Christian group helping in the neighborhood recruiting youth of all ages to support nonviolence. A year march from our church grounds to West mill creek then over to 40th Lancaster Ave. Were we have speaker leaders and veterans speak to the group about Martin Luther King Jr. also walking to 40th walnut to the Rotunda where we serve lunch and allow the youth to perform their talents.

01/21/201908:30 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13722Redeemer Tabernacle Baptist Church/Kids UnitedView DetailsRedeemer Tabernacle Baptist church/Kids United

Collecting winter donations along the walk.

01/21/201908:30 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13723Redeemer Tabernacle Baptist Church/Kids UnitedView DetailsRedeemer Tabernacle Baptist church/Kids United

Participants will clean up the neighborhood they pass along the walk.

01/21/201908:30 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13724Redeemer Tabernacle Baptist Church/Kids UnitedView DetailsRedeemer Tabernacle Baptist church/Kids United

Young volunteers will be given the opportunity to make posters, learn about community service opportunities, demonstrate their
commitment to community involvement and earn community service hours.

01/21/201908:30 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13725Sisters Interacting Through StitchesView DetailsCrafting for MLK

Volunteers will crochet, knit and donate scarves for Operation Gratitude. In addition, attendees will share stories regarding Dr. King.

01/12/201910:30 AM02:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13731A&W Community Clean TeamView DetailsA&W Clean Up

Volunteers will be engaging in a thorough clean up of the West Market Corridor. Starting from 63rd and Market, volunteers will pick up trash, debris, and litter using a rolling trash can. At the end, volunteers will drop off the bags of collected trash at 62nd and Market for pickup.
Volunteers will break at 12 PM for a lunch provided for by Whole Foods Market and West Phillie Produce.

01/21/201908:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13732The Ray of Hope ProjectView DetailsTaking Back Our Neighborhoods

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13733The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13734The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13735The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13736The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details3400 D street Clean up

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13737The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13738The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13739The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13740The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13741The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13742The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13743The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13744The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13745The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13746The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13747The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13748The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13749The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13750The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13751The Ray of Hope ProjectView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Neighborhood cleanups along with neighbors

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13753Beth Am IsraelView DetailsBook sorting and Dedicating

Interfaith Day of Service.
All ages welcome, something for everyone. In addition to hands-on projects, we'll also have spoken word and dialogue activities.
Brunch will be served!

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13754Beth Am IsraelView DetailsMeal Prep for Folks in Need

Interfaith Day of Service.
All ages welcome, something for everyone. In addition to hands-on projects, we'll also have spoken word and dialogue activities.
Brunch will be served!

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13755Beth Am IsraelView DetailsAnimal Toys for Shelter Dogs

Interfaith Day of Service.
All ages welcome, something for everyone. In addition to hands-on projects, we'll also have spoken word and dialogue activities.
Brunch will be served!

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13756Beth Am IsraelView DetailsClothes Sorting

Interfaith Day of Service.
All ages welcome, something for everyone. In addition to hands-on projects, we'll also have spoken word and dialogue activities.
Brunch will be served!

01/21/201909:30 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13759Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Volunteers will assist with making PB & J sandwiches for ACRM.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13763Lincoln Charter SchoolView DetailsMLK Sunday Supper

This is a diverse and inclusive group of the York Community. We invite residents, churches, business owners, non-profits, schools and community leaders. to participate in the hard conversation that community leaders must have to move our city forward. This is our 7th year for the event that we had partnered with the Former Mayor C. Kim Bracey.

01/20/201905:00 PM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13765CrsdView DetailsCR Cares Cr South high school

The students will sort donations of food, winter clothing, hygiene kits, money, baby items and other supplies to be donated to the Bucks County Housing group, Wrightstown food cupboard, Child Home and Community assoc., Our County Code blue organization, and our County homeless shelter run by the Family service assoc. We will also be making care packages for Veterans in collaboration with the Travis Manion foundation.

01/21/201909:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13767City Temple Baptist ChurchView DetailsCity Temple Baptist Church

The church will be sponsoring our yearly clean-up inside the church which include: painting, small renovations, etc. Weather permitting we will also clean the street behind the church.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13769Concerned Neighbors of Germantown, Inc.View DetailsConcerned Neighbors of Germantown, Inc

Indoor cleanup for the office space, sweeping, and straightening up the

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13770Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsCoat Drive

Coat Donation Drive. All coats will be given to One Warm Coat.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13771Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsSock Drive

We are going to partner with an organization.
More information will follow

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13772Holy Cross Parent AssociationView DetailsFood/Can Drive

Collecting can goods and packing

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13773Holy Cross Catholic SchoolView DetailsCleaning School and Church

We will work with a organization. More information will follow.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13775Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Flashcards for the Salvation Army.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13776Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

cards for Cards for Hospitalized kids.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13777Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Craft kits for St. Jude's Happy Cart

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13778Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Paracord bracelets for Operation Gratitude.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13779Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Valentine's Day wreaths for Spring Village.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13780Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Circle K

Dog toys, coloring books for Caitlin's Smiles/ Ronald McDonald House and Step UP training

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13784Laura Simms Skate HouseView DetailsIndoor Clean Up

Volunteers will be helping to clean up inside and around the Skate House.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13785Laura Simms Skate HouseView DetailsOutdoor Clean Up

Volunteers will be helping to clean up outside and around the Skate House.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13786Bryant Baptist ChurchView DetailsBryant Baptist church

We are cleaning and painting our church, the members and community will help.

01/21/201908:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13787Benjamin Franklin Birthday CelebrationView DetailsFranklin Birthday Celebration Seminar

Free Panel Discussion on "Criminal Justice Reform". Leading experts on national, state and local issues will give presentations on reforming the criminal justice system. The panel includes:
* Bruce Western, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
* Marie Gottschalk, Professor /of Political Science, University of PA
* John Wetzel, Secretary of PA Department of Corrections
* Tyrone Werts, Coordinator, Inside-Out Center
* Sean Kelley, Moderator, Senior VP, Eastern State Penitentiary

01/18/201909:00 AM11:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13788Benjamin Franklin Birthday CelebrationView DetailsFranklin Birthday Celebration Luncheon

Luncheon for the Benjamin Franklin Birthday Celebration, honoring The Marshall Project and its editor-in-chief, Bill Keller on the theme of "Liberty and Justice for All? Reforming America's Criminal Justice System". Mr. Keller will receive the Franklin Founder Award and give a talk on "The Guilty Project: A few lessons from the reporting on our dysfunctional criminal justice system.“ Luncheon tickets are $75, and registration is required (www.franklincelebration.org).

01/18/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13789Benjamin Franklin Birthday CelebrationView DetailsFranklin Birthday Celebration Procession

Free procession up 5th Street in Philadelphia to honor Benjamin Franklin and his contributions to American life, including his work to help create the first prison reform organization in America. The procession includes a fife and drum corps, plus banners and representatives from many local organizations. It will proceed from the APS Library (5th and Chestnut) to the Christ Church Burial Ground (5th and Arch Streets), where there will be brief words and memorials to Benjamin Franklin.

01/18/201911:15 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13793Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: South Jersey Horse Rescue

Raking, cleaning, digging, yard work, branch clipping, digging. and hauling at the South Jersey Horse Rescue

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13794Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Book Donation Sorting & Organization with Books without Borders

Students will assist Books Without Borders with transporting boxes from our campus storage units into temporary containers brought to campus by a designated shipping company. This temporary container will be on campus for a maximum of 6 hours. From there, it will be sealed and then shipped TBD.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13795Stockton UniversityView DetailsStockton MLK: Community Food Drive by The Stockton Center for Community Engagement

We are proposing to ask the volunteers coming to participate in the day of service to bring food for the food drive, as well as going around to the local communities to collect food donations.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13796STEP AmeriCorpsView DetailsMLK Day of Service 2019 | "More Than A Meal" Food Packing Event

In partnership with the Central PA Food Bank, we will be joining together for an exciting and rewarding hands-on volunteer experience. Together we will pack nutritious meal kits that will be given to families who struggle with hunger in our community through the Food Bank’s partner agencies and programs. Food is the key to better health, opportunities, happiness and peace of mind. Together we are giving so much more than a meal. We are giving a brighter tomorrow to our neighbors!

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13797Twinhills ElementryView DetailsBurlington County Library Initiatives

Volunteers will be making toys and collecting food to be donated to a local cat shelter.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13798Twinhills ElementryView DetailsBurlington County Library Initiatives

Volunteers will be collecting food donation and packing them to be donated to a local shelter.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13799Twinhills ElementryView DetailsBurlington County Library Initiatives

Volunteers will be making cards to be donated to TBD.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13801Christ's Lutheran ChurchView DetailsAID for Friends Breakfast Bag Packing

We will pack breakfast bags for the elderly who are served by AID for Friends.

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13802Christ's Lutheran ChurchView DetailsTeddy Bears for Laurel House/ Christ's Lutheran Church

We will stuff teddy bears for children living at Laurel House

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13803Christ's Lutheran ChurchView DetailsValentines for Veterans/Christ's Lutheran Church

We will make valentines for residents at VA hospital

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13804Christ's Lutheran ChurchView Detailsscarves for homeless/Christ's Lutheran Church

We will make fleece scarves for the homeless through The Welcome Church

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13806Christ's Lutheran ChurchView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

We will label books and write notes to children in local hospitals

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13807Christ's Lutheran ChurchView DetailsCookie Baking/Christ's Lutheran Church

We will bake cookies for first responders

01/21/201912:00 PM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13809Crispus Attucks AssociationView DetailsMLK Day of Service

On Monday January 21, 2019, the Crispus Attucks Association will be holding its annual MLK Day of Service. At 8 AM we will begin with musical presentations from local organizations and schools , as well as community members.Shortly after the "Living the Dream Award" ceremony will take place for selected high school students that represent what MLK stood for. Lastly, the annual breakfast is served while attendees can sign up for volunteer sites throughout the city.

01/21/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13810Upper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday CommmitteeView DetailsUpper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday Committee

Bring, prepare and serve brunch to residents of Bethesda Broad Street, a residence for formerly homeless men and women. Music + reading from Dr. King's book "Why We Can't Wait".

01/21/201909:30 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13818Overbrook Educational CenterView DetailsMural Project

Volunteers, students, and families will join together to paint murals throughout the school.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:15 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13819Overbrook Educational CenterView DetailsOEC Buddy Read

Volunteers, students, and families will pair together to sit and read books to/with each other.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:15 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13820Overbrook Educational CenterView DetailsOEC Letters of Thanks

Volunteers, students, and families will write letters to Veterans, Policeman, and Firefighters to thank them for their service.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:15 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13821Georgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School of MusicView DetailsGeorgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School of Music

Help beautify the inside of the music school; clean and paint the area.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13822Germantown AcademyView DetailsBooks for Community Partnership School

Creating cards, decorating bags and packing bookbags for Community Partnership School.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13823Germantown AcademyView DetailsNo-Sew Blankets

Blankets for residents of Ambler Senior Center.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13824Germantown AcademyView DetailsCards for Veterans

Create cards for Veterans for Valentine's Day

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13825Germantown AcademyView DetailsAnimal Toy Donation

Cat toys (yarn), dog toys (t-shirts), snuffle mats (fleece and rubber mats), and dog blankets (fleece)

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13826Germantown AcademyView DetailsClothing Sort

Gently used clothing collection from GA will be donated.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13827Germantown AcademyView DetailsSnack Roll Project

Roll energy bar and pack of crackers in socks.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13828Germantown AcademyView Details10 Trays Backed Ziti

Kids put together 10 pans of baked ziti.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13829Germantown AcademyView DetailsCupcakes

Decorating cupcakes to be donated.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13830Germantown AcademyView DetailsPaper Napkin Rings

Make npakin rings and put napkins in.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13831Germantown AcademyView DetailsToiletry Bags

collect donations and give to Fran Wasserman.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13832Germantown AcademyView DetailsPeace and Smile Boxes

Get cereal boxes and fill with supplies; wrap in paper and distribute to kids in hospitals.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13833Germantown AcademyView DetailsCandy Favors

Candy wrapped

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13834Germantown AcademyView Details"I have a Dream" Cork board

Kids will write "dreams" on index cards

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13835Germantown AcademyView DetailsOrigami

Kids will create origami.

01/21/201911:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13836Upper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday CommmitteeView DetailsUpper Merion Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday Committee

Music reading from Dr. King's book "Why We Can't Wait".

01/21/201909:30 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13837Grands as ParentsView DetailsGiving out premade Kit for the needs

Every year, we feed the hungry on Martin Luther King Day. We also give out premade kit to those in need.

01/21/201910:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13838Grands as ParentsView DetailsFeed the Hungry

Every year, we fed the hungry on MLKDay. For anyone that needs food for many reasons, Grands as Parents will be giving out food to those that need it.

01/21/201910:30 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14034Somerton CenterView DetailsSomerton Center

Residents of the Somerton Center will be making dog biscuits and dog toys to be donated to the Women's Humane Society.
Healthcare Services will be providing the ingredients for the dog biscuits, and potential partners Wal-Mart and Michael's Crafts
may be providing components for dog toy construction.
Healthcare providing ingredients for Dog biscuits

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13845ElderNet of Lower Merion and NarberthView DetailsFood Drive for ElderNet's Food Pantry

Conduct a food drive to benefit ElderNet's food pantry! Volunteers will organize, publicize and conduct their own food drive in their own school, neighborhood, or faith-based organization, and deliver the items to the ElderNet food pantry at 9 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue in Bryn Mawr, PA. Items that are always in demand at the pantry include canned meats, soups, condiments, cooking oils, coffee and tea, and toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, incontinence supplies. Drop-off day flexible.

01/21/201909:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13847Friends Select SchoolView DetailsFSS POWER

Social Justice workshop and training

01/21/201908:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13848Finley Parks and Recreation centerView DetailsMLK Jr. Day of Service

Volunteers will come and help to spruce outside of the facility.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13849Finley Parks and Recreation centerView DetailsMLK Jr. Day of Service

Volunteers will come and help to spruce inside the facility.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13852KATHYView DetailsM L K DAY OF SERVICE


01/21/201908:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13853Eagleville HospitalView DetailsEagleville Hospital

Methacton High School Warriors Performance Dance Troup performs via expressive dance, readings, poems, song and appropriate music. This group brings Dr. King's principles to life via their routines for the patients and staff at Eagleville.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13854KATHYView DetailsM L K DAY OF SERVICE


01/21/201908:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13855Lansdale Catholic High SchoolView DetailsLansdale Catholic School

We are packing 500 breakfast bags for Aid for Friends.

01/24/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13857Monumental Baptist ChurchView DetailsIndoor Church Clean Up

Indoor cleanup of the church and outdoor clean up the surrounding neighborhood and immediate community.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13858Monumental Baptist ChurchView DetailsIndoor Church Clean Up

Outdoor clean up the surrounding neighborhood and immediate community.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13859Won Communtiy Service CenterView DetailsWon Community Service Center Martin Luther King Day of Service

Won Community Service Center volunteers will help a house of worship for an immigrant community to be maintained for promotion of community fellowship; WCSC volunteers will help the neighborhood sidewalks and streets to be litter-free; WCSC volunteers will advocate community fellowship and environmental stewardship. Breakfast will be offered to early arriving volunteers.

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13860BIGSMILEZ LEADERSHIP INITIATIVEView DetailsPoint Breeze Clean Streets

We will clean and beautifie the streets between Snyder Avenue and 20th street . And continue street by street throughout area down to Dickerson and Point Breeze

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13862New Fellowship Baptist churchView DetailsNew Fellowship Baptist Church Indoor Cleanup

We will conduct an indoor cleanup of the New Fellowship Baptist Church

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13863New Fellowship Baptist churchView DetailsNew Fellowship Baptist church Outdoor Cleanup

We will conduct an outdoor cleanup of the New Fellowship Baptist Church

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13864New Fellowship Baptist churchView DetailsNew Fellowship Baptist church Speech

Reverend Paul "Earthquake" Moore will recite Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" Speech in celebration of Dr. King's memory

01/21/201906:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13865New Fellowship Baptist churchView DetailsNew Fellowship Baptist church March

We will conduct a reenactment of Martin Luther King's March on Washington. The march will start on the corner of 65th and Woodland.
We ask volunteers to bring picket signs that resemble the signs used during the civil rights movement.

01/21/201906:00 PM07:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13866Acts of Kindness Inc.View DetailsNew Southern Tabernacle Baptist Church

We will be cleaning a local church in the community with children and

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13868Won Communtiy Service CenterView DetailsWon Community Service Center Martin Luther King Day of Service

Won Community Service Center volunteers will help a house of worship for an immigrant community to be maintained for promotion of community fellowship; WCSC volunteers will help the neighborhood sidewalks and streets to be litter-free; WCSC volunteers will advocate community fellowship and environmental stewardship. Breakfast will be offered to early arriving volunteers.

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13869Elwyn SouthView DetailsElwyn South PJ Donation

The kids will participate in pj party activities. We are asking everyone to bring a donation for Philly PAWS, an animal rescue organization, at their “entrance fee” to the party.

01/21/201908:30 AM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13870good LUCK foundationView DetailsBoys to Men Brunch

A day for activities, food and fun with boys and their fathers.

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13871MANNAView DetailsMANNA food packing

Volunteers will be assisting in the kitchen to provide meals for MANNA's population.

01/21/201907:00 AM10:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13872Leon H. Sullivan Charitable Trust FoundationView DetailsLeon H. Sullivan Human Services Center

The project will include two (2) ninety-(90) minute film review and discussion sessions with the emphasis on "The relevance of Reverend Leon H. Sullivan's principles of self-help in today's eco-social climate."

Each session is limited to thirty-five (35) participants. Advance registration is suggested. Call 215 684 3400

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13873New Salem Baptist ChurchView DetailsNew Salem Baptist Church Indoor

New Salem Baptist Church is a community church looking for volunteers to assist with cleaning and painting various areas in the church (bathrooms, sanctuary, kitchen, dinning hall) This church serves the community and would really appreciate help to keep it presentable for its members and community.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13875Volunteer Center of Burlington CountyView DetailsBurlington County Library Food Donation

Food collection

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13876Volunteer Center of Burlington CountyView DetailsBurlington County Library Toymaking

Volunteers can make toys that will be donated to Pets House at local Animal Shelters

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13877Phila. Parks and RecView DetailsJohn Anderson Cultural Center

cleaning up facility general cleaning and purging of trash and also some arts and crafts that focus on MLK day will be done by the children and some adults as well

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13878Jarrettown United Methodist ChurchView DetailsRise Against Hunger meal packaging

We will be assembling meal packages at the direction of Rise Against Hunger

01/21/201909:30 AM11:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13879Jarrettown United Methodist ChurchView DetailsOne House At A Time projects

We will be making no-sew blankets, pillowcases and stuffed teddy bears to be delivered by One House At A Time through their "Beds for Kids" bed delivery program

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13880Volunteer Center of Burlington CountyView DetailsBurlington County Library Cardmaking

Children and other volunteers can make cards for residents in Assisted Residents Programs

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13881Waldorn Mercy AcademyView DetailsWaldoron Mercey Academy Pillowcases

In previous years, we made pillow cases to provide for children hospitals.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13882Concerned Parents NetworkView DetailsSayre High School Symnasium

The Concerned Parents Network will support parents and children in shelters by accepting donations of toiletries, baby supplies, and clothing, then bundling them and delivering the donations.

01/19/201910:00 AM02:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13891Antonia Pantoja Charter SchoolView DetailsProcess library books for an urban bilingual charter school

Volunteers will help process donated library books and get them ready to be checked out. This includes typing spine labels, applying contact paper, taping the spines, cataloging books, and shelving books. The tasks will be set up in stations like an assembly line and books will move from station to station until they are on the shelves and ready for students to check out! Volunteers can choose the tasks that suit their interests and skills.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13894Pine Road Elementary SchoolView Details2nd Annual MLK Day of Service at Pine Road Elementary School

Volunteers will help put together literacy, math, and english language learner kits for use in our school.

We will use adult and adolescent volunteers to oversee the project and student and adult volunteers to do the work.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13895Pine Road Elementary SchoolView Details2nd Annual MLK Day of Service at Pine Road Elementary School

Student and adult volunteers will help to pick u trash on the school grounds with a focus on the Nature Trail

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13896Pine Road Elementary SchoolView Details{Name of Project Site (if applicable)::18}

Student and adult volunteers will create Valentine Cards for active and retired military members in our larger school community.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13897Hunting Park UnitedView DetailsHunting park MLK

Parks and recreation / 25th Police District / the Lenfest center Local resident and community supporters will come together to pick up leaves and trash in the park
As I plant this seed/ Hunting Park NAC/ Esperanza/ Lenfest center

01/21/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13899Tabernacle Baptist ChurchView DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

Will partner with "Sisterhood" & "What About Our Daughters" to donate shoes and clothing.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13901Drug task force MinistryView DetailsCommunity information assistant

We will provide information to senior citizen and the community at large on services available to them provided by our local government and providing food for those in need and to follow up with services where we find the need.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13903Girl Scouts #8357View DetailsCard marking

We are making Valentines Days cards for Meals on Wheels recipients.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13904United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

Students from 3-8th grades will go into the community for service. We will go work with Head Start, and Volunteers of America in Allentown.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13909Sterling Rehab and NursingView DetailsSterling Rehab and Nursing

Volunteers will be doing arts and crafts, bingo, dancing, Karaoke, and reading stories about Martin Luther King

01/21/201909:30 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13911Tabernacle Baptist ChurchView DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

While listening to iconic speeches by Dr. King, volunteers will be create no sew blankets for the Project Linus to be donated to children with cancer.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13912Tabernacle Baptist ChurchView DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

Volunteers will also support the St. Jude's hospital by creating mask straps for young patients.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13914Tabernacle Baptist ChurchView DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

Some volunteers will create care packages for Lott Carey to be donated to children in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13915Tabernacle Baptist ChurchView DetailsTabernacle Baptist Church

We will make homemade cards for hospitalized kids

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13917Kate ColyerView DetailsWest Chester University of PA

WCU will engage volunteers to honor Dr. King by making “no-sew” fleece blankets that will benefit children in our region. Through
partnerships with three non-profit organizations (Fleece for Keeps, Chester County Hospital, and Nemours A.I. duPont Hospital for
Children), children will receive a warm, comforting blanket. volunteers will watch a video about Dr. King’s legacy and
representatives from each non-profit agency will highlight the impact these blankets will have in our community.

01/24/201902:30 PM06:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13918United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

Some will stay at school to cook.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13919United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

make cards for friends in nursing homes.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13923Cathedral KitchenView DetailsCathedral Kitchen

We will prepare the meal and dining room to welcome our guests. We will serve dinner to our guests. Then we will clean the dining room and kitchen after the meal. We will have volunteers help with the meal service. Project Hope will send a NP to do screenings for our guests (blood pressure, HIV, glucose, etc.)

01/21/201903:30 PM05:15 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13925Pine Road Elementary SchoolView Details2nd Annual MLK Day of Service at Pine Road Elementary School

We will make place mats for use in a local nursing home.

We will also be making cards with hot chocolate for home bound seniors.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13926Pine Road Elementary SchoolView Details2nd Annual MLK Day of Service at Pine Road Elementary School

We will sort and organize collected hygiene items for donation to Face to Face in Germantown.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13932GaudenziaView DetailsA Celebration Of MLK

The children of Gaudenzia Centro will do a program to honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King.
Refreshments will be served.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13938United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

do some packaging for material aid projects.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13939United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

Students from 3-8th grades will go into the community for service. We will go to nursing homes.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13940United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

Students from 3-8th grades will go into the community for service. We will go thrift stores whose proceeds go to help those in need.

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13941United Friends SchoolView DetailsUnited Friends School

Students from 3-8th grades will go into the community for service. We will go to the local Quaker meetinghouse for cleanup

01/19/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13942GSEP GS Troop 171View DetailsBody Zone

Food collected is being donated to the St Ignatius Food Bank

01/21/201912:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13944Highland Elementary School Abington School DistrictView DetailsHighland MLK Day

Students and families will work to sort and create care packages to donate to a charitable organization.

01/11/201904:00 PM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13946Lower Merion School DistrictView DetailsLower Merion School District MLK Afternoon of Service

Students and their families from the Lower Merion School District will participate in creating Valentines to Veterans.

01/18/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13947Lower Merion School DistrictView DetailsLower Merion School District MLK Afternoon of Service

Students and their families from the Lower Merion School District will participate in Dream Flags.

01/18/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13948Lower Merion School DistrictView DetailsLower Merion School District MLK Afternoon of Service

Students and their families from the Lower Merion School District will participate in packing snack bags for families at the Ronald McDonald House.

01/18/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13949Keep the Dream Alive Community Development CorpView DetailsStrawberry Faith Based Coalition

This event will honor the life & legacy of Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Through character Interpretation and performing arts. A musical
tribute to honor his life, and legacy. Partnering organizations include Inspiration & Co. , The Philadelphia Street Performers
Collaboration, Fire Blazing Records, The Strawberry Mansion Faith-Based Coalition, and a host of other Churches, and friends of
Keep The Dream Alive Community Development Corp. There will be volunteer opportunities at this event.

01/21/201906:00 PM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13951Strawberry Mansion Faith based CoalitionView DetailsStrawberry Mansion Faith Based Coalition

Distribution of bags and clean up materials. Help with clean up

01/21/201911:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13952First African Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsFirst African Presbyterian Church

This event is themed around Change, Challenge, and Commitment, and
will offer information and vendor services to all participants. Partnering
with God's Annointed People, Servants of Christ United, and the East
Parkside Residents Association, the First African Presbyterian Church will
host a collaboration of organizations and vendors providing a variety of
services, including affordable clothing, access to tutoring services, and
information for self-improvement.

01/21/201912:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13954Spruance Student Leadership Coalition & The Men of Phi Beta Sigma (Nu Sigma ChapterView DetailsSpruance Elementary School

The group will work to beautify the common areas of the school with painting, cleaning and hanging artwork.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13955Langhorne RotaryView DetailsLanghorne Rotary Pasta Buffet in the St James Episcopal Church Hall

Pasta Buffet Dinner to raise funds for Polio eradication. Sponsored by Langhorne Rotary and Neshaminy Interact

01/21/201904:30 PM07:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13956The Hill at WhitemarshView DetailsThe Hill at Whitemarsh

Residents who live in the independent home will work with those in skilled nursing (Mather House) on various games and projects.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13957Chew & Belfield Neighborhood ClubView DetailsCBNC MLK 2019 Clean up

It is the mission of CBNC to serve our community by maintaining a clean and safe environment for all. Volunteers and Neighbors will participate in a community clean up that can include the removing of trash/debris, painting and more in local area vacant lots, parks, and streets.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13958Awbury ArboretumView DetailsChew Ave pedestrian trail

Woodchipping the trail and clearing various plants around the trail.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project13959Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grades 1 & K- Making cards for veterans

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13968School Lane Charter SchoolView DetailsSelf-Care Bags for the Homeless

School Lane's Charter School's 6th grade Ambassadors will be assembling self-care bags to be distributed among the homeless community. Ambassador director, Victoria Fairburn and other staff members will oversee the assembly.

01/21/201908:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13971Brandywine Springs SchoolView DetailsBrandywine Springs School "MLK Day @ BSS"

We will also host a clothing drive to benefit the St. Patrick's Association.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13973Jesus Focus MinistryView DetailsSoup Making

5 adults, 35 children will be cooking soup and packaging it!

01/21/201909:00 AM05:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13978Yeadon Public LibraryView DetailsYEADON: MLK DAY OF SERVICE

Community youth will serve breakfast to seniors of the community The President of the Black Caucus American Library Association will be in attendance.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13985Free Library of Northampton TownshipView DetailsShoe Box Project - Spread the Love at the Free Library of Northampton Township

We plan to hold an all day event for families to attend. When they stop in for the program they will receive a "peace" pin to wear. They will receive a shoe box to decorate. They will take the shoe box home and fill it with hygiene supplies and comfort items for elementary age kids. We will also have other crafts and refreshments for the families. We will ask them to return the boxes on February 14th so we can "spread the love".

01/21/201910:00 AM09:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13986United for Christ MinistriesView DetailsMlk day of Knowledge, Cleanup

We will be cleaning and painting the church inside and outside. Pulling weeds, sweeping, etc. Along with arts and crafts activities for children w/ Dr. Martin Luther King movie and questions. Lastly, serving lunch and snack for the volunteers

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13992Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.

Grade 5- Making Paraclete bracelets

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13993Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grade 4- Making paper cranes for patients at Riddle

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13994Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.
Grade 3- Sorting clothing for Cradles to Crayons

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13995Media Elementary SchoolView DetailsMLK Day Service Projects

Children in each grade will participate in a service project.Grade 2- Making treat bags for first responders

01/18/201909:30 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13996The Choice is YoursView DetailsThe Choice is Yours

The Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service will be held at the Choice is
Yours located at 112 North Broad Street 3rd Floor. On the day of the
event, staff and volunteers will be distributing food, clothing, nonperishable
items, and resource information to the homeless, and the
"underserved" population. Participants can stop by the Choice is Yours
throughout the day. The culminating activity will be a catered lunch for
the staff and volunteers. Participants will receive snacks throughout th

01/18/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13997Society for Helping Church (Deaf & Hearing)View DetailsLet's Break Bread

We will be feeding the homeless, less fortunate and seniors. Delivering to houses in the community that cannot come out. Giving out food packages to the community to disabled and less fortunate. Donations will be collected for the food give away divided, packaged and given out.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project13998Society for Helping Church (DeafView DetailsClothe the people

Clothes and shoes for all ages, all genders will be given away. Coats, boots hats, scarfs included. Collect toiletries and hygiene products, package and give away along with the clothing give away. The drive begins December 1 for collections of items

01/21/201909:00 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14001Yeadon Public LibraryView DetailsYEADON: MLK DAY OF SERVICE

Students and youth will paint the wall.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14002Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

We will begin with a litany in remembrance of Dr. King at 9:00 a.m. Then at 9:15 a.m., we will go to our service stations. There will
be activities for people of all ages— from preschoolers through older adults.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14003Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

—placing T-shirts on the lawn for “Heeding God’s Call” in memory of victims of gun violence in the city of Philadelphia. Volunteers are needed to write names on the T-shirts and also to place them on the lawn on wooden stands.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14004Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

Making soup for Aid for Friends, an organization that provides meals for frail, elderly, isolated people who are homebound in
Philadelphia and surrounding counties. Also, making "Breakfast Bags" for Aid for Friends.These bags of breakfast and snack
items are given as "a little extra something" to the frail elderly people who regularly receive meals.
Pizza will be provided.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14005Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

Making soup for Aid for Friends, an organization that provides meals for frail, elderly, isolated people who are homebound in
Philadelphia and surrounding counties. Also, making "Breakfast Bags" for Aid for Friends.These bags of breakfast and snack
items are given as "a little extra something" to the frail elderly people who regularly receive meals.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14006Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

sewing simple dresses for girls, for “Little Dresses for Africa. Volunteers will use a specific pattern and directions to make dresses for children in need.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14007Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

—assembling health kits for people in need. Some supplies have been purchased and donated for this project.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14008Overbrook Presbyterian ChurchView DetailsOverbrook Presbyterian Church

Beautifying our church building and property.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14009James A. Michener Art MuseumView DetailsHeads That Make us Smile

Pre-registration required. Join us for a Martin Luther King Day of Service and Art, while exploring Frank Hyder’s Janis Project exhibition and Heads that Make Us Smile, in the Museum and Education Gallery. Learn about Dr. King’s legacy while exploring Hyder’s inspiration from around the world before creating your own head, and sharing ideas on how to promote goodwill in your family, school, community, nation, or world. Participants are asked to bring new hygiene products for homeless shelters.

01/20/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14011Pyramid Court No. 17View DetailsPyramid Temple No. 1 Grenadier Club

Serving meals to the homeless and anyone in need of a meal. Also
meals will be delivered to Calcutta House and other shelters. Meals are
also delivered to those on the street

01/15/201911:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14013Montco SAAC NorristownView DetailsMaking Room for More Seniors

Cleaning and clearing out a room for future use for seniors. Possibly painting.
Staff members will be present.
We may have a few volunteers that will help from a local church.

01/21/201909:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14023The African American Historical and Cultural Society of Buck CountyView DetailsThe African American Historical and Cultural Society of Bucks Country

Volunteers will be assisting in beautifying in the building and its grounds.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14024The African American Historical and Cultural Society of Buck CountyView DetailsThe African American Historical and Cultural Society of Bucks Country

Volunteers will be assisting in cataloging and sorting books.

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14025Maplewood Manor Retirement and Rehabilitation FacilityView DetailsMaplewood Manor Retirement and Rehabilitation Facility

We will be meeting with residents of the facility engaging in conversations and activities.

01/21/201901:00 PM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14026RVSP Captial RegionView DetailsRVSP Capitol Regioin

There will be a book give-away of donated books. Program partners and community members with an interest in books will be
invited to come

01/21/201910:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14027Center for Leadership, Development & AdvocacyView DetailsCLDA Diaper Bank "Wrapping Party!"

Our organization will be in two places on Jan. 16th, 2017. We will be holding two community service projects to help families
who are unable to purchase basic human needs for their children. Our volunteers will participate in activities honoring Martin
Luther King, Jr., and how in the light of a new Presidential election, our families need information, knowledge to become
empowered in their daily lives .Families who are not able to buy diapers may lose a job be absent from school or daycare.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14028Center for Leadership, DevelopmentView DetailsCLDA Diaper Bank "Wrapping Party!"

Our organization will be in two places on Jan. 21st, 2019. We will be holding two community service projects to help families
who are unable to purchase basic human needs for their children. Our volunteers will participate in activities honoring Martin
Luther King, Jr., and how in the light of a new Presidential election, our families need information, knowledge to become
empowered in their daily lives .Families who are not able to buy diapers may lose a job be absent from school

01/21/201909:00 AM03:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14029Residents Action Committee IIView DetailsNeighborhood Cleanup - Stinger Square Park

Volunteers will be cleaning up at the park. They will pick up trash in the
park and the three blocks surrounding the park itself.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14030Hawthorne Park Elementary SchoolView DetailsHawthorne Park Elementary School MLK Day of Service

A veteran will come and speak with volunteers regarding the veterans we will be servicing. Staff and students will collect items/donations and create care packages to service homeless veterans.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14031Athletic Recreation CenterView DetailsAthletic Recreation Center

Athletic Recreation Center is a beautiful, historical center that requires a lot of support to keep it in a safe, clean, working condition. During the Day of Service, we are hoping to garner the support of every organizations to give this building a good clean up and to de-clutter from the previous year. We have neighbors who will come out to support our endeavor and also community partners such as The Brewerytown NAC and Habitat for Humanity to name a few. Lunch will be provided.

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14032Bridle Path Elementary SchoolView DetailsBridle Path Elementary School MLK Day of Service 2018

Bridle Path Elementary School in Lansdale, PA is honored to participate again this year in the MLK Day of Service. The entire school will help fill bags with food and self care items to be donated to a local charitable organization (ie: Manna on Main, Mitzvah Circle) for distribution to those in need.
We are requesting T-shirts via the lottery system.

01/21/201908:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14033Willow HillView DetailsWillow Hill ELementary

packing bags for homeless

01/21/201909:00 AM10:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project14036Genesis Ministries / It's not your faultView DetailsLearning Active Reading Project Title: REAP (Reading Empowers All People)

Come to join us to read to children and learn how to be an active reader to keep our children on track to read by 4th grade!

01/21/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14037Genesis Ministries / It's not your faultView DetailsLearning Active Reading Project Title: REAP (Reading Empowers All People)

Come to join us to read to children and learn how to be an active reader to keep our children on track to read by 4th grade!

01/19/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14039Kennett Area YMCAView DetailsMLK Day 2019 - Kennett Area YMCA /Kennett Area Senior Center

The Kennett Area YMCA is proudly partnering with a few local community based organizations for MLK Day. We will have 2 opportunities for the public to get involved. Our first opportunity will be with the Kennett Area Senior Center. Our volunteers will come prepared to roll up their sleeves and dig in to help paint, clean, and reorganize a few work spaces at the center. The second opportunity will be with His Mission Shelter and the Kennett Y will be assembling personal care bags for the shelter.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14040Kennett Area YMCAView DetailsMLK Day 2019 - Kennett Area YMCA /His Mission Shelter

The Kennett Area YMCA is proudly partnering with a few local community based organizations for MLK Day. We will have 2 opportunities for the public to get involved. Our first opportunity will be with the Kennett Area Senior Center. Our volunteers will come prepared to roll up their sleeves and dig in to help paint, clean, and reorganize a few work spaces at the center. The second opportunity will be with His Mission Shelter and the Kennett Y will be assembling personal care bags for the shelter.

01/21/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14041PRO-ACTView DetailsPRCC Neighborhood Clean-up

PRO-ACT (Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Achieving Community Together) will be performing a neighborhood clean-up around the PRCC, Philadelphia Recovery Community Center. Base location address is 1701 W. Lehigh Avenue, #6, Philadelphia, PA 19132. We invite the community and ALL to help lend a hand in this clean up!

01/21/201908:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14043Adath IsraelView DetailsAdath Israel

On Sunday, 1/14, Hebrew School volunteers will do "Cook for a Friend", creating 100 individual dinners to be delivered to
homebound seniors. On Monday, teens and adults will create 50 hot dinners for homeless adults in the Connect- by-Night
Program and will serve them the following night. We'll also make 50 brown bag lunches for the homeless population to take with
them the following day. LLanerch Presbyterian Church in Havertown partners with Riverview Church in Drexel Hill and Adath

01/20/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14044Adath IsraelView DetailsAdath Israel

We are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive

01/20/201909:00 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14049Unitarian Society of GermantownView DetailsWinter Essential Kits

Volunteers will prepare and deliver winter essential kits for local seniors.
Ages: 14+ with supervising adult who can drive.

01/21/201909:00 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14050Unitarian Society of GermantownView DetailsInterim House - Organizing Donations Closet

Volunteers will work with Interim House clients organizing and sorting their donations closet.
Ages: 18+.

01/21/201909:30 AM12:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14052GBCCCView DetailsGREEN BYRNE CHILD CARE CENTER

Making sandwiches, snack bags,

01/21/201911:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14054West Mill CreekView DetailsCommunity Programming

Participants will join together for a march to the Martin Luther King
Statue and then to the Rotunda from the volunteer site for a program in
honor of the day.

01/15/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14055Mount Tabor CDCView DetailsMount Tabor CDC

We will also prepare sandwiches for the homeless. We will need 50 people.

01/21/201910:00 AM04:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14057Gladwyne Montessori SchoolView DetailsGladwyne Montessori Day of Service

Our students and their families will come together in our school gym to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will also talk about foster care. Then the children will fill back backs with personal hygiene items and school supplies to donate to Wordsworth CUA Region 10 foster care services.

01/21/201909:30 AM11:30 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project14058Southwest/EastwickView DetailsIsland Ave. & Suffolk Ave Project

I'm in the planning stage of this project. I will be contacting several businesses(Post Office, Shoprite, Planet fitness, SEPTA...)
in the area for volunteers. I did attend a training class of 11/16/2018 at the library on South Broad Street.
At the event we will be cleaning trash that is dumped under Island Ave heading from Penrose Plaza to Suffolk Ave.
This area is an eyesore to the neighborhood. I'm new to Philadelphia and don't want this area to be the first thing our guest see.

01/21/201910:00 AM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14059JFCSView DetailsMLK Day of Service Children's Event

We will be making fleece tie blankets and packaging toiletries and winter clothing items for another organization that hand delivers items to people who are homeless and living on the streets of Center City.

01/18/201910:00 AM02:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14060Martin Luther King High SchoolView DetailsMartin Luther King High School & Men Who Care Day of Service

We will have Martin Luther King Alumni, Germantown Alumni, The men of Kappa Alpha Psi,. Philadelphia Police, Representatives from The VA, Representatives and Resources from Congressman Dwight Evans office, State Representative Stephen Kinsey and Administration, Senator Art Haywood and Administration, Representative Helen Gym and Administration local Elementary schools and Junior High Schools, Philabundance, Artists, Workshop Partcipants, Health providers.

01/21/201907:30 AM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14061Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf

ASL video about what MLK means with pictures and ASL, paper recycling for the full school and if time permits they will sweep the Nevil building.
(Jessica Jones)

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14063Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf

Inviting group to join to knit & crochet baby hats for area hospitals. (Outreach, Karen Leslie-Henry)

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14064Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (SPCA Event)

Group of students to volunteer at the area SPCA with feeding and grooming animals, cleaning cages, etc.

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14065Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Philadelphia Goat Project)

We will be working with the Philadelphia Goat Project cleaning stalls, training the goats, and walking the goats through the neighborhood and arboretum. The goats visit schools and perform at various community events and we support their training so they can do these projects. (Prinnie)

01/18/201909:30 AM01:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14066Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Meal Prep)

We have requested to volunteer at the site and tasks could include meal serving, meal prep, donation and pantry organization.

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14067Karen Leslie-HenryView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (West Wing)

This building (admin offices) will be collecting new and gently used clean socks for the homeless shelters.

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14068Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Multi Projects)

At PSD the King Day of Services begins with a schoolwide assembly in
honor of MLK. At the assembly each classroom project (20 +) is
recognized and an excerpt from MLK I have a Dream speech is given by a
PSD graduate. After the pep rally each classroom dispurses to their
individual projects for the rest of the school day.

01/18/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14069GBCCCView DetailsGREEN BYRNE CHILD CARE CENTER

collect hats, gloves, and scarves for men, women, and children

01/21/201911:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14070GBCCCView DetailsGREEN BYRNE CHILD CARE CENTER

toiletries drive

01/21/201911:30 AM03:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14071Martin Luther King High SchoolView DetailsMartin Luther King High School & Men Who Care Day of Service

We will have Martin Luther King Alumni, Germantown Alumni, The men of Kappa Alpha Psi Philadelphia Police, Representatives from The VA, Representatives and Resources from Congressman Dwight Evans office, State Representative Stephen Kinsey and Administration, Senator Art Haywood and Administration, Representative Helen Gym and Administration local Elementary schools and Junior High Schools, Philabundance, Artists, Workshop Partcipants, Health providers.

01/21/201907:30 AM02:30 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14075Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Middle School Event) Marilyn Warmerdam

The middle school will be conducting multiple projects:
Creating Paper Flower thank you gifts and baking cookies for the PSD housekeeping staff
Conduct street cleaning on the streets surrounding the school campus
Reading to the toddler - kindergarten students in the early childhood center

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14076Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Willis Eye Hospital)

Collection of used eye glasses for recycling. This is an ongoing project. The collections will be gathered that day and brought to
the eye glasses recycling site at Wills Eye Hospital/Salus University (Sheila Earlbaum)

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14077Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society)

We will have students bring in pet supplies to be donated on this day.

01/18/201909:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14078Pennsylvania School for the DeafView DetailsPennsylvania School for the Deaf (Battery Collection for Recycling)

Ongoing monthly project, collecting old batteries and other hazardous waste to be dropped off at a recycling plant

01/18/201908:00 AM01:00 AM
Fill out the reportClone Project14081Cambodian Association of Greater PhiladelphiaView DetailsCambodian Community Revitalization: Center Touch-Up and South 7th Street Cleaning

CAGP South Center Activities
- Classroom Painting
- Front Railing Painting
- Building Garden Beds on 2nd Floor Deck (in prep for Spring)

South 7th Street Activities
- Street Sweeping along 7th Street from Oregon through Snyder Ave.
- Stretch down towards 6th and 8th if there is more time
- Stretch down to Mifflin Square Park if there is more time

01/21/201910:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14083Beck Middle School Basketball at Lions GateView DetailsLions Gate

The students will assist the residents at Lions Gate in several different ways including bingo and arts and crafts. The children might also help the residents get to and from the activity rooms, which may include helping them in their wheelchairs. If time permits, we will also have a question and answer period with the residents to find out what the world was like when the residents grew up. At the end of our time there, the students will read Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream" speech.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14086Penn State BrandywineView DetailsMLK Day Celebation at Penn State Brandywine

Penn State Brandywine student organizations will be running various family-friendly service activities. We will be honoring Dr. King's legacy through projects that focus on kindness, inclusion and advocacy. Volunteers will have the opportunity to engage in service opportunities such as crocheting caps for newborns, writing cards to our military members overseas, creating Valentines for local seniors in the community, and organizing toiletry kits for women's shelters.

01/21/201910:00 AM12:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14087McClure ElementaryView DetailsMcClure Elementary

Together with AmeriHealth partners, we are working towards continued school facility improvements. With the assistance of many volunteers, we will tackle larger projects including:
painting doors, door-frames and hallway touch-ups
paint touch-ups for murals
closet clean-outs
materials distribution
classroom cleaning (desks, chairs, floors)

01/21/201909:00 AM01:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14591Chosen 300 Inc.View DetailsServing Homeless Mon 1/21/18 5:30 PM -West Philadelphia Location

Serving meals to those who are homeless, disenfranchised and in transition

Responsibilities include:
greeting guests
preparing meals

01/21/201905:30 PM08:00 PM
Fill out the reportClone Project14089African America